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  1. #1
    davidarlen started this thread.
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    CRV pricing how does it work for the recycle yard and the consumer?

    A few states have the CRV programs. California is one of them, how many states do this seems like four correct me if I am wrong.
    When you buy drinks in plastic or aluminum you generally pay CRV for the containers.

    Now some of the containers are getting lighter but you still pay the same price for the CRV, so if you return the CRV and it is weighted you will not even get your money back assuming you bought the drinks. It is best to have them count the containers but the yard will only do it if you have a small amount.

    There are some exceptions like 100 percent juice, and milk and some alcohol and wine other than beer. But the exact same type of container that had water in it the gallon size is worth 10 cents.
    Now the one gallon milk container is the same as the one gallon water container except that you get 10 cents for the water container (I know there is a CRV for the water container and not the milk container).

    My question is does the Recycle center pay for the aluminum cans since they are reimbursed for the CRV?
    Do they pay anything for the plastic since they are reimbursed for the CRV?

    How are recyclers compensated?

    In California you are not paid for any plastic except for CRV, recycle centers will take it but not pay you for it.

    My city of Escondido provides three cans for trash and recycling Gray for trash, Blue for Recycle and Green for greens and lumber except for pressure treated. Now honestly it is a pretty good deal I only pay for the gray trash cans the blue and green ones are provided for free, they are huge they hold at least 2 ½ regular plastic trash cans and they have wheels the green ones hold about 3 regular trash cans. All of the trash, recycle and greens is picked up by mechanical means so they are not too concerned with a can being a little heavy.

    When I go to our local transfer station they recycle the separate all of the plastic and glass and bail up the plastic and smash and collect all of the glass than they haul it off to be recycled. I do not think they separate for CRV but I could be wrong.

    I can give electronics away at free e-waste events or I can take them to the dump and pay big bucks by the pound to have them properly disposed of. They do not educate you on how to be paid for e-waste. I know this site does thanks but I am still a little bit confused on how to make money on circuit boards etc. I usually just deal with the copper in transformers and in the wire.
    This thread is all over the place I would appreciate any helpful info to help me sort it out thanks David
    Last edited by davidarlen; 04-05-2015 at 11:07 PM. Reason: spelling more info.

  2. #2
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    As far as boards and such, check at Mario at Ewasted. He is always honest and will fix his mistakes. Ask him questions and send him pics to make sure worth boxing and shipping. The usually cost for me using his fedex label is 35c lb shipping, so take that into consideration when shipping if worth it or not. He is on the forum or

    Cash for your Computer Scrap | Cash for Computer Scrap

    I also have his cell, but dont have permission to give it out. Also the heavier box is cheaper to ship than lighter, just dont go over 69.5 lbs is all. And sending more than one box at a time is cheaper, becuase of the multi box discount.

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  4. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    CRV info… Notice: 2015 Refund Value per Segregated Pound, Refund Value per Commingled Pound and Containers per Segregated Pound Rates
    Yes some places pay you more than the deposit when you return items by weight.

    You can get your beverage container recycling refunds on a per-container basis instead of by weight.
    By law, you can bring up to 50 aluminum, 50 glass, 50 plastic, and 50 bi-metal California Redemption Value (CRV) containers in a single visit and request to be paid by count. You will be paid the full CRV redemption of 5 cents or 10 cents on each container. Inform the site attendant of your load content and how you would like to receive payment before you hand over your load.
    Any consumer who has been denied this right by a recycling center can file a complaint via email or by calling 1-800-RECYCLE.
    If recycling more than 50 containers of any one material type, the decision to pay by count or weight is determined by the recycling center operator. Make sure your containers are whole and free of contaminants such as dirt, excessive liquid or other foreign substances. If you are being paid by weight, make sure the load contains only eligible CRV beverage containers.
    Daily load limits of empty CRV beverage containers are 100 pounds each for aluminum and plastic, and 1,000 pounds for glass. If the load includes containers not eligible for CRV, the recycling center must either reject the load or pay only scrap value.

    List of deposit states… - Bottle Bills in the USA

    10 states and 1 U.S. territory - Guam
    Last edited by hobo finds; 04-06-2015 at 12:56 PM.

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  6. #4
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    I've seen some recycling yards in California online that take non CRV plastic and glass containers by weight for scrap, wish they had that here in NY!

    In NY water, beer, and carbonated beverages all have a 5 cent deposit. Size doesn't matter they're wll 5 cents. Most supermarkets have those reverse vending machine things where you put in the container and it crushes it, and then gives you a ticket you can redeem at the cashier for money. Usually the supermarket employees are very rude and judgemental and the machines(especially glass) are always broken. Thankfully there's a place across the street from the supermarket around here that counts the containers by hand and then pays you. I always opt to go to them but they don't take glass so I bring my glass containers to a nearby beer distributor and whatever they don't take I put in the machines whenever they're working.

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  8. #5
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Here in So. AZ several places are buying glass and plastic

    Current prices
    Alum Cans $.95 lb.
    #1 plastic bottles $.40 lb.
    other #1 plastic like syrup bottles and such $.35 lb.
    #2 plastic natural color like milk and gal water bottles $.10 lb.
    #2 plastic color like tide detergent $.04 lb.
    Glass beer bottles $.04 lb.
    Wine bottles and glass jars $.03 lb.
    places are also buying paper $.02 lb. and cardboard $.01 lb.
    Last edited by hobo finds; 04-07-2015 at 10:07 AM.

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  10. #6
    davidarlen started this thread.
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    Thanks Hobo Finds very useful info.

  11. #7
    davidarlen started this thread.
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    Thanks Duck

  12. #8
    davidarlen started this thread.
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    Hobo Finds I find those California sites too confusing I assume they are for recycle centers and trash/recycle pick up companies no wonder they give me free recycle containers. I am assuming If I am paid more for CRV from a yard they are paying some of the scrap metal value of the item. with the CRV. I personally have not found a yard that pays for plastic and glass other than CRV. But I should look some more.

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