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Purchased some scrap copper wire.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #1
    silverockdzl started this thread.
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    SF South Dakota
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    Purchased some scrap copper wire.

    That's right. I purchased some scrap copper wire. I have an electrician that was willing to sell me his scraps before he took them into the scrap yard. He doesn't strip the wire and he doesn't separate it either. He sold me 225lbs at current yard prices for #2 insulated. I purchased a drill operated wire stripper last year and haven't used it for quite a few months. Now I will get some good used out of it. Most of the wire is #10 which goes through the stripper fast. I have some larger stuff as well as seen in the photos. So far I have stripped about 30 lbs in less than a couple hours. At this time, I may sell the shiny when I am finished stripping it. I would then purchase some more, rinse and repeat. I should have a steady flow of wire for a long time. I know, I know. I have to account for my time during this process but I am not worried about my time. I strip a little bit here and there when the kids are in bed and the wife is at work. I figure I will more than double my money and I don't have to go scavenging around to find copper wire. I will see about making some more videos showing my wire stripper in action. Have fun!

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