In a recent post a member posted some info that turned out to be not totally accurate. This was not done in an attempt a miss information or to decieve but was meant 'WITH GOOD INTENT' to be helpful to other members, that said it was help full in one respect.
It opened and expanded the discussion of a very difficult area of e scrap. Ido not condone miss information in any form, however the member corrected the problem quickly when discovered with the help of other members and as, I said expanded the study of a complicated specialty in the e scrap segment.
Most of us enjoy teaching and learning our crafts here that said let's be careful to fully verify our info before posting less we become the you tube of scrap.
I commend that member for wanting to help in a difficult area, his mistake was not intentional but an act of perhaps over exuberance in the desire to be helpful and in a way he was by expanding a discussion. There were some questions asked in that thread I will try to answer to the best of my ability later today or tomorrow.