If you see him as a future asset if you treat him well I would sell off all the aluminum, and instead of giving him a split of it throw him a gift card to menards if he is a contractor, means a lot more then "heres ur cut!" seems to me the best way to do it its a lot more personal to give a gift card then a cut in cash seems like more of a partnership and giftcard seems more of a gift. If he asked for a cut then give him one is what I'd do, but if not I would make it more of a gift, like a giftcard, buy him lunch or dinner somewhere, pay his dumpster bill. Just jabbering.... I myself have never paid anyone for metal.... and I just got $650 in copper wire for free, offered him payment for it and he declined..... Only thing I do is purchase the goods, or gift them stuff, would never do a end profit split. Good luck and hope 2 see pics of u atop your mountain of al.