Some times I forget how much scrapping has given me . so i'll stick to just one situation
Doing a brake job and could not get rotor off at this point i'm just being a typical dude with a mallet
for like 20 min. umm this is not coming off . Look up you tube and see a concept that looks promising using bolts and nuts from caliper bracket
causing bolts to act with leverage .
Seemed like better choice then using a torch that a buddy was going to bring over (his advice)
next comes a real auto pro who was picking up his child from my house . He puts his 2 cents into action and hits rotor opposite (front)
to sea / saw it off . That cause the outer rotor disks to shatter off Hence the You tube technique wont work now .
I woke up this morn and said time to do it realizing I have created short steel to the tune of multi thousands of pounds
(cutting or crack cast) so I said to my self this is just a little piece of steel . Ear protection in place . same for eyes .
& like a scrapping surgeon I start cutting and as it cuts I say - SELF why are you even letting know it alls - cloud your head
this is so easy the steel is cutting like butter . Cut , cold chisel , cut , chisel & in 5 min. old rotor is off . As I look at the pieces of rotor now ready for the short bucket I think rotor you don't even come close to a boiler job and surrounding black pipe I have converted to short in the past . Rotor you where but the casual cut I have made more time then I can count.
The word scrapper does not do justice to what a scrapper knows .