I like to monitor the Freecycle, Craigslist and Trash Nothing! sites for postings I am interested in. I saw a posting for a free half a dozen gas cans. OK- I am interested - those new- fangled child proof EPA, FDA, blah blah cans are such a pain. I like to use the old style "pour easy" containers. Anyway, I contact the person and he said he already promised them already but somewhere in our e mail conversation he mentioned that he was moving. So I wrote back and asked him that if he was cleaning out if he had any
scrap metal, computers etc to let me know and I'll come take it away for him. He replied and said he had some copper and other metal items he wanted to get rid of. I go over with my trailer and I asked him if he was having a tag sale.He said no and that it was all for me ! SWEET ! I loaded the trailer full - 2 chainsaws, a lawnmower, Lots of copper pipe and aluminum gutters, tons of hardware, a table saw, a laptop and the list goes on. I loaded it so quick I really don't remember everything else I got. I need to unload and sort it all out. I filled the trailer full and asked him to please call me if he cleans out more. He said " oh yea there is more where that came from" If I get some time this weekend I'll post some pics.
It was a very good day !
The moral of the story is... It never hurts to ask
Have a great weekend .....