No pictures, sorry. But I was finishing up scrapping a body shop this week. I decided to use the trusty 12k winch on the front of the truck. Place is falling down, so its getting demo. I was given permission take everything nailed down. So I was ripping steel doors off the hinges no problem. My buddy was playing cowboy and lassoing lights to rip them down. Watching him made me laughed so hard I almost wet myself and fell over.
Anyway last step was double bay doors. I wanted the channel for the garage doors. I already blew the 14 ft wide doors with the truck and push bumper, since they were stuck. Would not open or budge and needed the truck inside.
Anyway, start ripping the channel out. No problem getting it out of the walls, then hooked to the ones running on the rafters. Now the rafters were severely rotted, so I was expecting the roof coming down. Nope, hell no. Bastards wouldn't budge. Picked the truck straight up in the air, 3 feet. Me and my buddy is bouncing on the push bumper, still nope. SO they stayed.
Now mind you Im usually 4k empty, so I was at 4500 in the ole f150 with what was in the box. Then add another 500 lbs with us jumping on the push bumper. Lesson learned though. I now know how to work on my truck. Find the nearest tree and elevate..he he Just use stands in case the winch bolts let go or cable snaps.
I hope this amused you as much as it did me. I wish I had taken you tube video or pictures.