After I thought about it, both travis' town's law and the louisiana law sound like they are trying to discourage second hand sales as much as theft. Seems like those making laws want people to "buy new"...I wonder why....
I love the rants! THis is how posts get over two pages.LOL.
The whole business has been decimated by the raising prices and then years of flat or low prices and low demand from refiners or end users right. I think we can all agree the markets are flat the volume is off and its spring. Hello people whats up. Im going on a month at home and usually id be freeking out, being at the warehouse is just as bad, your waiting for a customer or hoping the yard you sell to is still open.
Maybe the best situation is to close up for retail and buy off the street with a mobile truck and have a large warehouse to store and sell your stuff in trailers. Lets face it what pays the bills is volume. But you cant sell volume if your stuck buying it in small amounts and transporting to a buyer. Store and sell contracts or just keep your location open and when you get taken to court say the truth. Is the goverment at each yard sale making sure they are charging sales tax also.
THe stolen stuff just wont stop coming in. As people live and see life is tough and the only way it seems to get ahead is to play the game. The game involves ruining your value system. What your left with is two partents working 2 jobs and not having time to raise the kids, now your subject to the state because they are teaching and raising them. Also your working and getting taxed fed and state then taxed again anytime you spend and especially if its critical. Think anything you really need, phone electricty gas heat car etc etc. Even if you want a bike to pedal you may have to register because they are stolen too.
I dont think the states really want to register your bmx bike so you can find it if you lose it. Its about money. Wake up were being sold a lie. If you work hard and all this you will retire to a dream land and your doing fine so buy the newest iphone, watch the next sexually immoral commercial after dinner with your kids, if you actually ate with them at a table and oh did you thank the father for that meal or the fact you woke up today.
Im the worst because I know this, were lucky to be alive and scrap lets us avoid all this bs and crap that kills others. I means kill their souls. Im never going to work a "dead man walking" job again. Its not worth selling your time with your family or kids and friends for a little more money to buy something you dont need.
Scrap the world and recycle it with the holy sprit.!!
My wife is home gota go fast
you can petition the law.
There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man
OPINION: My belief is it is all part of the move to a cashless society, once they make cash so complicated to use ,the sheeple will beg for a cashless system.
Once that is in place there is nothing you can do, no where you can go, nothing you can buy they can't track easily.
"anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
Money, it's a crime
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise
That they're giving none away
Don't know if old dude was thinking of Revelation 13: 16-17 but check it out:OPINION:My belief is it is all part of the move to a cashless society, once they make cash so complicated to use ,the sheeple will beg for a cashless system.
Once that is in place there is nothing you can do, no where you can go, nothing you can buy they can't track easily.
"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free or slave, to receive a mark on their right rand or on their forehead
And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Maybe they'll never have to actually implant a chip in you but in a cashless society, unless you're just bartering, if you have to have a "chip" in a card or whatever at all times when you're out in public because you might want to buy something, isn't that basically the same has carrying a "mark"?? Now is it the dark side mark...???
Just saying...
Last edited by DakotaRog; 05-19-2015 at 10:28 PM.
I agree it is all about a cashless society being pushed on us but I don't thing tracking is the motivation. I believe the motivation is financial. Cash is expensive and hard to control. I know we are already being tracked at a level that would astonish many people. Everything from our online time to using the little discount cards that every store gives out; it is all a way to keep track of what we do and where we go.
But you know, when cash disappears, we can still barter. Many of us already use barter instead of cash whenever possible.
Last edited by harsas; 05-19-2015 at 11:54 PM.
Have Fun,
I hate rules, but I love junk.
wow this got heavy but interesting. so after looking into places a found 2 that meet my needs but with more patience one is just over the county/city line but the place is not for sale but some land will be aug 1st which I can build my place with no problem of zoning in fact there are a couple of work/living properties along the line. then I have the option here soon of buying a large building which is on main street in a small town 4 miles away from me but not sure yet the price which is the problem there but working on contacting a few people because its big enough for me to work but also to have a small flee market type space which I could make money that way to but need 10 people to put down a 6month space rental upfront to get what I am thinking will be the sale price. either way until then I am just saying screw it and buying as much as I can
Barter is an undefined value transaction on depreciable goods (tax code). Means you can do alot with a little if you get me. As for the law, well...suck it up buttercup or move to a different county. If your prepared to BUILD a NEW building why is this a hurdle? Cities and towns fall over dead over stupid legislation. My home town is no exception and I'm long gone from there. Also...can they force you to share transactions over the figure it out, I just gave you a solid loophole.
p.s. I'm not trying to be mean I just see alot of complaints lately and not alot of actions. Figure it out, get back to us.
WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!
If you find certain laws to be immoral and Constitutionally unsound, don't follow them.
Following the wisdom of the old dude, this is my personal opinion. I have never had a real problem with civil disobedience, but you need to be careful. First of all, morality can be subjective. There is a "true" morality but most folks simply make their morality up as they see fit. Also, when you talk about constitutionality, most folks really do not know the constitution or what it contains. So it is easy to find yourself standing on unsound doctrine. Personally, I would say the better route is to work towards change in the law. Should this prove impossible (hello congress, we are still here...), then consider your options but do so carefully for the law of unintended consequences is one we all must live by...
Look up the Common Core Curiculum. You will notice that cursive writting is not taught any longer in elementary school. Why? My thought is that we are becoming so dependant on debit and credit cards and pin numbers that society will no longer need to know how to sign their own names.
Who came up with the curriculum you ask??? Well Bill Gates is one name along with others who have no backrounds in education but who do have backrounds in technology and banking. If you dont believe me do a little digging. Funding for school districts who don't use the common core are being cut.
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
To correct the often mis quoted phrase, money is the root of all evil actually says "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil".
Would you do most any thing to protect your wife,girlfriend, kids. I would look you in the eye and kill you for mine with out blinking. That's because I LOVE them. It follows that those many who LOVE money would do the same with out blinking , and, have , will, and do every day. mcw.
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