Knowing the facts huh,Ive heard that about if your licensed or not, but its simple I think its state by state or maybe it county by county just ask whats the deal you like me or something!! Im telling you the direct approach works.
Tell the truth look I want to recycle your stuff so I can start a business and stay off welfare plus I got pay my student loans.
SOme of my best memories this year was learning
ewaste grades with my kids during these huge snow storms. We would take stuff home we had no idea what it was, now my kids can tell you about ewaste stuff but they never used a computer, its all iphone and ipads today. NEat. YOu go do it my man dont get discouraged. Keep going. This scrap place is encouraging me Im going to quit now either.
Scrap for ever!!! Why would you ever want a regular job these loads we bring we control it not a boss or a hourly wage. Times are tough and I know everyone I know who works for the man is broke my family I asked someone for money they after 30 years in a business are broke adn make like 30 an hour and no kids. You guys the american dream is slipping away, no wonder we all want to watch netflix and go to the doctor for more meds. THe medical places actually must love it.