I tag this as funny but in all reality it is kind of serious. so I will preface this story as a little background is needed.
I am an ex military guy and without meaning for it to happen all of my employees are ex military guys and if you have been in the military you understand what it means when you get a bunch of retards together in a shop. ( sorry if anyone reading this is offended by the word retard but it is necessary for this chain of events.)
Today was my step fathers birthday this is a man who helped me out of the gutter when my life fell apart so he holds a very special place in my heart. I organized a big to do for him today and it was going great until I got the call..
Now it needs to be said we are so backed up at the shop I left the guys alone for 8 hours today to work while I was gone doing the big family brunch etc. I leave them alone routinely for a couple hours at a time but never this long. ( yes I realize it sounds like I am leaving a child alone for the first time and in this case it seems fitting)
I recently did a post about transformer breakdowns and we have quite a few high voltage capacitors in the shop right now... Roughly 60 660 volt to be precise.
James ( name has been changed to protect the idiotic ) saw a YouTube video apparently on how to build a rail gun out of old capacitors and batteries both of which we have in abundance of here now.
Wouldn't you know the YouTube video was WRONG... ( please take note all who want to " refine their own gold" based off of YouTube)
So not only were these guys being paid to be quote unquote not smart they actually thought this was a great idea.
So on one of the few Sundays I actually took off to enjoy some family time I ended up in the hospital filling out forms and insurance information.
Tomorrow my insurance adjuster will be here to help figure out how exactly to claim this to fix the now missing quarter of wall from the shop.... From the looks of it...it will be a total wall rebuild luckily not on the new shop
But on a good note there is now a number one bolt Lodged about 2 inches deep into a hundred fifty year old oak tree on the back of my NEIGHBORS property who is more than happy about it ( slight sarcasm )
I swear if this does not bankrupt me I am going back to a one man show screw it all
And yes I blame it totally on the fact they are all ex military guys I am one so I am allowed by law to say that
Here's hoping your sunday was better than mine and ended before mine did