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I Got a New Toy...

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
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    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    I Got a New Toy...

    I got a new shop press... 12 ton. I have wanted one for years, but never actually had a reason to need it like I did.

    My Uncle retired a couple years ago and stopped really doing anything, so I try to keep him busy with occasional projects. He has spoken often of how much he likes his Kee mower and told me if I ever get the chance to buy one, I should get one. They are no longer produced, but I see them faily regualarly at garage sales. They are generally fairly expensive because they are fairly desirable mower. They are belt driven with a mountable motor and are basically a 22" brush hog.

    Well, I got this one for $5. It needed a motor ($90... Harbor Freight 6.5hp) and Unc swapped them out for me. The motor is VERY quiet, I would recommend it if you need one. The bearings on the shaft that drove the blade were noisy as hell. We pulled the shaft package and pounded like hell to get it apart. I had to cut the pulley off with my angle grinder. O gathered the parts to rebuild the bearing package and the tried to mount the bearings, but pounding the bearing on seemed a bit destructive... So... off to HF to get the 12 ton press ($111 after discounts).

    The bearings went on sooo easy! The belt I bought was too short, so I have to get one today, but it will be up and running by the end of the day. Now I just have to find stuff to smoosh with the new press!

    The mower I have originally had the self propel, but it has been removed. I guess the next project will be to find another Kee for $5 and mount the self propel parts to my mower. Maybe I will get to use the press again.
    Last edited by t00nces2; 05-23-2015 at 07:47 AM.

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    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Here are the pics...

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  5. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I Got a New Toy...

    I picked up a press when doing the wife's rear axle bearings. I was quoted $150 to r&r the bearings and that was with me pulling everything apart.
    I am like you now its time to figure out more uses.
    1st project will be a jig to destroy hard drives

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