Work(scrap or otherwise), continue with post H.S. education. Keep you eyes open and look for what interests you. If you find something that interests you do some real investigating. Get a job, even part time, in the field that interests you or close to what interests you. Many, seemingly all, good jobs require a 4 year degree and more and more require a Master's degree just to get in the front door.
There are great jobs in the trades but you need to put the time in and get the experience. Trades: plumbing, heat/air, electrician, carpenter, iron worker, steam fitter, etc.
Now if you want to be successful in any profession go to Dave Ramsey's web site and learn how to live on a budget. Learn how to best get a degree with out debt. (hint pay as you go)
On his website you can listen to pod casts of his radio show. Pay attention to the people who call in with education debt that has followed them into their 30's, 40's, and even 50's.
Back to choosing a profession many don't end up in the profession they started with when they graduated from college.
If you follow my advise you will be wealthy and chances are happy in your life. Mike