Whoo boy .... as a builder i can really relate to " Building a business is like building a house."
It's a patient,methodical, step by step process. There's an order of operations for building it. For example: It wouldn't make sense to build the roof before you built the walls.
It takes time ....Rome wasn't built in a day....it will take time to build a business as well.
Every house needs a foundation as does every business. If it's built on a solid foundation the house will endure. If it's built on a poor foundation, the structure above will collapse under it's own weight. Ask yourself ....what are the founding principles of your business ?
Correct your mistakes along the way. As a young apprentice i was taught that errors have a way of compounding themselves. That an error of 1/2" at the foundation would compound itself up through the walls of the structure. By the time it came to put on the roof the peak would be 8" off. That causes a real problem when it comes time to bring everything together.
In business, it's important to recognize the learning mistakes you made when you were first starting out. Don't keep making the same errors again & again. The bigger you get ....the more those mistakes will cost you.
It might sound a little preachy but build something that will endure. Take the long view of things, make a consistent effort, leave the get rich quick schemes & the greed to somebody else.
Go into it with the expectation that it will be lots n lots of hard work and you won't be disappointed.