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  1. #21
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    I feel like they won't be giving or selling you any of their bins. Also it would be just as easy to outsource their bins to your location with there men and make more money then to you. Why not try and get something like this going and START SMALL like many people have said. Start with pallet boxes and then get some fabricated when you can afford a flatbed and forklift and the metal. Start small think big.

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  3. #22
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    Let me tell you right now nobody is going to tow off your steel bin... They may take the contents but they aren't going to go out of their way to take the whole bin or cut a side off to get a few hundred worth of stuff. Like has been stated put in well lit areas and put cheap cameras.

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  5. #23
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    I feel like they won't be giving or selling you any of their bins. Also it would be just as easy to outsource their bins to your location with there men and make more money then to you. Why not try and get something like this going and START SMALL like many people have said. Start with pallet boxes and then get some fabricated when you can afford a flatbed and forklift and the metal. Start small think big.
    I have that fealing also but thought i'd give it a shot anyhow. Worse they can do is ignore me or say no. I regards to where to start - I was only going to start with one bin. I'm fairly limited in what I can do. Yes I have a vehicle, but there isn't alot of square footage. The hhr isn't mine but I have alot of say on what happens with it. I can't mount a hitch until the thing gets paid off first. You and others may see it as excuses but those are my limitations. I can fit a box 60x29x29 in the back and then I'm out of any cargo space which is what I was going to do at first but cost of material will be a problem now that prices are down and gas is up. I'd prefer to make the thing out of CPVC because it's heat resistant, light, and won't fade in the sun plus they look halfway descent.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    I may of missed something, but just what is the purpose of these bins?
    Are they for businesses you contract with or just drop off bins for the public at large?
    I ask as it make a BIG difference as to what type of bin would be required. I get the idea that your thinking on the later and plan on finding places to put your bins so the public at large can drop things in them. Hope it's the first option as the second is just asking for MANY problems and hidden unknown EXPENSE and $TRE$$.
    No you're right - the plan was to place bins around town and let the public put their electronics in them so I could break them down and send steel where it goes an electronics to the members here on the board. Mind you I've not mentioned SMF anywhere in my plans or to anyone in case something happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    Let me tell you right now nobody is going to tow off your steel bin... They may take the contents but they aren't going to go out of their way to take the whole bin or cut a side off to get a few hundred worth of stuff. Like has been stated put in well lit areas and put cheap cameras.
    I had a feeling I was over analyzing things(as usual). I do have that intention of only putting them where there's light and installing a camera. I was also going to install a gps tracker in case the unit does go for a walk.

    I'm still waiting to hear from town code enforcement in wither or not there's anything extra I need to do besides contacting the parking lot owner to ask for placement because to the best of my knowledge, code enforcement only has a stipulation(not here but in other counties and states) when it comes to clothing donation bins. I've also contacted USAgain to see if they'd share their process for placement and haven't heard anything back from them also.

  6. #24
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    An again..why haven't you spoken with your local SBA office?

    You know, business people who help other small business people, with their company ideas, funding..etc.

    This will likely get over looked again, but whatever.

    SBA has been helping smalls businesses for many years, from Business plans to Funding, to mentoring an teaching about business...Kickstart has been around for what..4 years?

    I'd rather go with old school financing then hoping somebody on the internet just wants to throw their hard earned money at my idea. That's just me tho.

    Sirscrapalot - In one ear, an out the other. Boggles the mind I tell you..BOGGLES!

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    Last edited by hobo finds; 06-04-2015 at 01:44 PM.

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  10. #26
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    Sometimes my mind boggles.
    It's so deep my mind actually boggles.
    - Cyndi Lauper

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  12. #27
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    To piggy back my last post...

    For those looking start their own business, no matter the field, you should check into the above. Lots of good useful info to first time folks, an even experienced folks. You can read the site to see what all they can help with, etc. I found it all quite useful when I started my first business.


    Sirscrapalot - Providing water, now who will drink it.

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  14. #28
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    To piggy back my last post...

    For those looking start their own business, no matter the field, you should check into the above. Lots of good useful info to first time folks, an even experienced folks. You can read the site to see what all they can help with, etc. I found it all quite useful when I started my first business.


    Sirscrapalot - Providing water, now who will drink it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    An again..why haven't you spoken with your local SBA office?

    You know, business people who help other small business people, with their company ideas, funding..etc.

    This will likely get over looked again, but whatever.

    SBA has been helping smalls businesses for many years, from Business plans to Funding, to mentoring an teaching about business...Kickstart has been around for what..4 years?

    I'd rather go with old school financing then hoping somebody on the internet just wants to throw their hard earned money at my idea. That's just me tho.

    Sirscrapalot - In one ear, an out the other. Boggles the mind I tell you..BOGGLES!
    My local SBA office told me I was on my own because I didn't meet their qualifications because I have bad credit, no steady income, and a long list of other excuses not to grant me a business loan so my only two choices are either A: Attempt to get some kind of loan or B: Save up to get the parts I need individually and play the waiting game.

  15. #29
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    See, now you have stopped people from asking why your not going for traditional lending.

    Your welcome.

    An sorry it didn't work for you. My experience has been stellar with them, regardless. Then again I wasn't going it looking for cash. Just the brain power. An ability to pick said brains.

    I'll now turn you back to Bins, Kickstarter, bacon, or whatever.

    Sirscrapalot - Having a sale on flame proof clothing, inquire within.

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  17. #30
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Could I suggest day labor..........Good way to save money and stay busy

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  19. #31
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    Ok so let me get this straight:

    You don't know if you can put bins down

    You don't have an area with permission to put bins down

    You don't have resources to move a bin

    You don't have resources to construct a bin that's structurally sound and looks up to par

    Instead of looking for funding why not scrap normally for a while and put away a little money each week for your business plan. Talk around and hypothetically get permission to place your bins whence your ready and have the money.

    I also don't feel a bin that is that size is going to be any use to you. Due to the size its going to be overlooked, and like you said EASILY stolen or broken into because of how small it is. You would be better off just spending your money on flyers and picking up loads the same size of the bin. If you do enough marketing or host events where people can come drop there stuff you'd be better off. Now if you had resources (which you may in the future) to get this done such as a truck, trailer, pallet jack or forklift, the correct size boxes, places to put them, security on them, then you may have a shot.

    I'm not leaning towards u quitting on your idea, just not rushing into it.

    Best of luck.

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  21. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    Ok so let me get this straight:

    You don't know if you can put bins down

    You don't have an area with permission to put bins down

    You don't have resources to move a bin

    You don't have resources to construct a bin that's structurally sound and looks up to par

    Instead of looking for funding why not scrap normally for a while and put away a little money each week for your business plan. Talk around and hypothetically get permission to place your bins whence your ready and have the money.

    I also don't feel a bin that is that size is going to be any use to you. Due to the size its going to be overlooked, and like you said EASILY stolen or broken into because of how small it is. You would be better off just spending your money on flyers and picking up loads the same size of the bin. If you do enough marketing or host events where people can come drop there stuff you'd be better off. Now if you had resources (which you may in the future) to get this done such as a truck, trailer, pallet jack or forklift, the correct size boxes, places to put them, security on them, then you may have a shot.

    I'm not leaning towards u quitting on your idea, just not rushing into it.

    Best of luck.
    I can't help but agree with the young (and very profitable) entrepreneur/successful businessman.

    I can't help but think that your best option is to abandon bins and hit the phones. I made one phone call Monday and because of it I am picking up a load of computers tomorrow at $1.50/tower. Its not perfect but all I have to do is show up on time and hand over the small amount of cash.

    I want to do bins too. But I'm not doing bins until I own my own trailer and pallet jack (or skidloader if all goes to plan). The key is not to get in over your head. You have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. You have a license, you have a vehicle to use (though its not the perfect scrap vehicle it does move small stuff around), and you clearly have the time since you're unemployed. Call the computer shops around town and see what they do with their fried components/customer drop offs. The worst they can say is "we scrap them ourselves" or "we already have someone that picks them up for us".

    Instead of spending money on bins and cameras, spend your money on business cards and a dedicated business phone line. A phone is a powerful tool when it comes to networking/marketing your services.

    I saw you mention not too long ago that you responded to a CL ad for 28lb of lead. Dude that's $12. If you have the time and gas to go pick up $12 across town you have the time and money to poke your head into the local businesses around town and tell them you're willing to get dirty if it means theres money in your pocket and there's more room in their shop.

    We all want to dream big, but dreams are dreams and actions are reality. You need to act on getting cash flow in your favor. Paying off the hhr so you can get a ranger/s10. Then trading the ranger/s10 for a full size truck (or whatever you want to do the job). Paying off the hhr is not going to happen running across town for a coffee can full of wheel weights. Its going to happen by making phone calls and answering your phone when it rings. If the score is worth it then rent a uhaul/throw an ad up on CL that says you'll give someone $50 to borrow their truck for an afternoon. Do whatever it takes to show people who have scrap that you can be their scrap guy.

    I don't mean to be hard on you but your ideas seem scatterbrained. Do what you can with the resources you have. Save your money to invest in bigger and more practical resources which in turn will give you more work.

    You say you don't have a job and want to get into do you pay your bills/stay on top of payments on the hhr?
    Last edited by CTSSolutions; 06-04-2015 at 07:59 PM.

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  23. #33
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Oh yeah don't get me wrong, going to bins was one of several ideas in this thing I call a brain. If the hhr was mine fully and outright, I'd have a hitch installed and build me a trailer.

  24. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    Oh yeah don't get me wrong, going to bins was one of several ideas in this thing I call a brain. If the hhr was mine fully and outright, I'd have a hitch installed and build me a trailer.
    So what are your other ideas?

    So far I've seen "I need $25,000 from strangers on the internet to own a collection faculty in a dying mall" and "I need $5,000 from strangers on the internet to build collection bins I can't haul in my current situation"

    Keep spitballing man. You're bound to come up with something good soon. In the meantime I suggest you let people around town know that you have time, a vehicle, and a strong back you want to put to work. People like people who want to work, not who like to talk about work. Show them you can be their scrap guy. Show up on time. Make as many trips as you need to until they smile and say thank you. If you leave them with a smile they will call back.

    I wish you the best of luck but want to be very clear that this game is about doing, not talking.

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  26. #35
    matador's Avatar
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    You could use hinges to collapse the bins for transport if needed. It wouldn't be watertight, but hinges and one-way security bolts would get the job done.

    HHR's must be smaller than I thought- I can fit a pallet in the back of my Audi wagon. Seriously, I've hauled a pallet back there.

    I'd start small. Build one or two bins, get them set up, and see how it goes.

    If you build them, they will come.
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  28. #36
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    You could use hinges to collapse the bins for transport if needed. It wouldn't be watertight, but hinges and one-way security bolts would get the job done.

    HHR's must be smaller than I thought- I can fit a pallet in the back of my Audi wagon. Seriously, I've hauled a pallet back there.

    I'd start small. Build one or two bins, get them set up, and see how it goes.

    If you build them, they will come.
    From what I understand the cargo space is just a tad bigger then the PT Cruiser. Trust me, if I could shove a pallet back there I would.

  29. #37
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    Wow, they are smaller then! Or, my Audi is more like a Country Squire than I thought???

    There is always a way to do it!

    Seriously, I'd save up some money and rent a U-Haul to drop these off. The $29 is well worth it. Try to set up as many drop off points as you can, so you can shove them all in the back of the box truck and only have to rent for one day.

  30. #38
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Was thinking about it

  31. #39
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