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The New Logansryche Thread

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    logansryche started this thread.
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    The New Logansryche Thread

    Made this one because admin deleted the other one(and for good reason too). I'd like to thank everyone who's pushed me into the right direction with their suggestions and ideas and hope to post more about the bins soon.

  2. #2
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Time to turn dreams into reality
    Gonna take some work but not completely unrealistic by any means.
    start with 1 box at one location..then... grow it
    I use barrels and have had great results.... now at 15 locations, started right where you are
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 06-01-2015 at 06:21 PM.
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    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Let's say you get the funding . $5k in your lap . How will you ensure that is multiplied 5 fold to fund the operation you really want ? How long in time will this take ? Just curious as to what plans you have to ensure your not asking for another 5k after storage and containers at aquired .
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  6. #4
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Old thread is open again. All cleaned and spit-shined for you.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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  8. #5
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    Old thread is open again. All cleaned and spit-shined for you.
    Appreciate that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    Let's say you get the funding . $5k in your lap . How will you ensure that is multiplied 5 fold to fund the operation you really want ? How long in time will this take ? Just curious as to what plans you have to ensure your not asking for another 5k after storage and containers at aquired .
    $5k will give a years lease and provide the storage/tools I require. I'd have a year to get everything in order and start profit making. Once funding is 100%, I'll get right on it. When I set a deadline for myself or something else, it's either sink or swim. There is no paddling. I believe I can do it. If at the end of the year I'm no further off then as I am now, I'll quit scrapping for good and find something else to do. It's do or die time.

  9. #6
    matador's Avatar
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    The main thing is to have determination and plans. Over the last 4 years, my business has changed so much that I don't know if myself four years ago would recognize most of it.

    Get out there, and try things. Will all your ideas work out? Nope. But, you pick up the pieces of the failures and go on- it'll all make sense after you get going....
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  11. #7
    logansryche started this thread.
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    I know everyone's tired of hearing about it but it looks like I'll be building these bins out of 2x4s, presswood, and a pallet. I built 3d renders of each material based on a bin thats 48x48x72" and the wooden one was the cheapest. $50 vs $1k for the plastic and about as much for the steel one. Just waiting to hear back from some folks about wither parking lots are considered public domain and if so, if I can place collection bins there. I'm giddy something's starting to stick. Thanks Matador for the idea ^.-

  12. #8
    matador's Avatar
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    I've always liked wood. If I can't find a bed for my old Dodge, I'll make the whole thing out of wood!

    If you use a good pallet, the other advantage is that you can move the bins easier. For now, just throw the stuff into your HHR. When you get larger, buy an enclosed trailer and a pallet jack. When the bin is full, wheel it into the trailer , strap it down, and unload an empty one. It's much easier to do that than to unload on-site. Grab and go!

    As for parking lots, the best answer I can give you is that it depends on the lot. Out here, the city owns a few parking lots, and some are owned by whoever owns the building that is there. You may be able to find out what is what if your county has a program that lets you see tax records (You can in Wyoming, I'm not sure about other states).

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  14. #9
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    I've always liked wood. If I can't find a bed for my old Dodge, I'll make the whole thing out of wood!

    If you use a good pallet, the other advantage is that you can move the bins easier. For now, just throw the stuff into your HHR. When you get larger, buy an enclosed trailer and a pallet jack. When the bin is full, wheel it into the trailer , strap it down, and unload an empty one. It's much easier to do that than to unload on-site. Grab and go!

    As for parking lots, the best answer I can give you is that it depends on the lot. Out here, the city owns a few parking lots, and some are owned by whoever owns the building that is there. You may be able to find out what is what if your county has a program that lets you see tax records (You can in Wyoming, I'm not sure about other states).
    I'll have to look into that about the tax thing and yeah - I was planning on doing that eventually as the hhr doesn't yet have a hitch on it(it's not my hhr - not yet anyhow). I'm told if I ask nicely Wal-Mart will give up a pallet or two. I know Rite Aid doesn't care what happens to em.

  15. #10
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Got a call this morning from a guy out in Mexico that he had some weights he wanted to get rid of so I drove out to see what they were and they turned out to be automotive wheel weights! Looks like their the older lead ones but there's a couple that look like the newer coated steel ones(they didn't cost me anything so not complaining). In total there's 28lbs but at $0.40/lb, I'll hold on to em a bit longer and see if I can get some more before taking them in.

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  17. #11
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    Someone please key me in on whatS going on? Why was your thread closed and why are people making jokes about a kickstarter? Sorry I missed this but im really curious. Also how do you plan on moving pallet bins - they will weigh upwards of 400lbs if you use plywood and 2x4's

  18. #12
    matador's Avatar
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    Personally, I'd use a pallet jack to move them. Weight will depend on height. I made a rack for a truck, and I can remove the entire rack without dissassembly without any assistance. I doubt an unloaded bin would be 400#- I think two people could move one easily, and one person could probably drag it.

  19. #13
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    Personally, I'd use a pallet jack to move them. Weight will depend on height. I made a rack for a truck, and I can remove the entire rack without dissassembly without any assistance. I doubt an unloaded bin would be 400#- I think two people could move one easily, and one person could probably drag it.
    Yeah in the end the bin's going to be somewhere around 30x30x60". It'll be skinny but tall(thing has to fit in the hhr).

    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    Someone please key me in on whatS going on? Why was your thread closed and why are people making jokes about a kickstarter? Sorry I missed this but im really curious. Also how do you plan on moving pallet bins - they will weigh upwards of 400lbs if you use plywood and 2x4's
    I'd rather not discuss why my other thread was closed but I'm being made fun of everytime I bring up Kickstarter because they don't have anything else better to do, and after thinking about things further, the bins are going to be 30x30x60" so I can fit em in the hhr. They'll be tall but skinny and weight won't be an issue(I use to lift tool crates out of vans that were about the same size by myself). I do eventually want to make bigger bins so they can hold more, but i'd need either a flatbed truck or a trailer(and since the hhr isn't mine and not paid for, I'm opting for the flatbed truck).

  20. #14
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    Where do you plan on putting these bins? And are they for public or for businesses to drop items in.

  21. #15
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    Where do you plan on putting these bins? And are they for public or for businesses to drop items in.
    I'll be putting them in shopping center parking lots and they'll be for whoever wants to use them. I'm waitin to hear back from Cicero Code Enforcement to see if there's anything in addition I'll need to do besides ask the owner of the parking lot permission to place them.

  22. #16
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    We had one member quite a while back that started out with blue plastic barrels (free) for the businesses in the back room. Hinged a flap over a rectangular hole cut into the lid. Spray painted their logo on the side and he'd go around every set # of days and empty. That was his start out "bins" for business or retail stores you may make a deal with. Learn to walk before you run,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  24. #17
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    Yea... 2x4's and plywood painted sounds like it will look very ugly, and I wouldn't want it in my parking lot. Also how will you prevent the items from being stolen.

  25. #18
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    Yea... 2x4's and plywood painted sounds like it will look very ugly, and I wouldn't want it in my parking lot. Also how will you prevent the items from being stolen.
    I'd have to agree, unfortunately it's what I have at the moment(both plastic and steel bins would cost over $1,000 to build/buy). I origionaly wanted to build the bin out of steel because it's what I technically have access to but it was argued that steel would weigh too much so then I priced plastic and that turned out to be over $1,000 to build so then wood was suggested so that's what I was going to go with. I'll admit even if I built the bins out of steel, they wouldn't be 100% theft free as bolt-cutters cut locks and torches/cut-off wheels cut metal, and if you have a big enough vehicle they can be towed. I even had the idea of building the shell out of aluminum and rivit/screw it to a wooden frame but that's just as vulnerable. The area that I want to place these bins in doesn't have a high theft rate but it's better to be safe then sorry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    We had one member quite a while back that started out with blue plastic barrels (free) for the businesses in back. Hinged a flap over a rectangular hole cut into the lid. Spray painted their logo on the side and he'd go around every set # of days and empty. That was his start out "bins" for business or retail stores you may make a deal with. Learn to walk before you run,,,
    I was thinking of something like that or some sort of cart inside the bin to collect the electronics - would have to be square because of the size of computer cases.

  26. #19
    ryanw's Avatar
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    For an inexpensive frame for a bin, look at IBC totes. Used ones sell for around $40 here. You can make panels out of whatever you want, or cut the top off the plastic container inside.

  27. #20
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Anyone ever do business with EZCycle? I'm going to try and see if I can get a couple of their bins since their set up specifically for EWaste(and their only 4hrs west of me across the line). It's been made painfully clear that the only way I'm going to get any kind of bin system going is to either go out and buy them, rent them, or partner up as building them will either look really crappy or be too heavy, or too big, or too something.

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