I had primarily been selling items via craigslist and
ebay before now. My wife joined a local "virtual yard sale" Facebook group recently and I think it is going to be a really great resource. We have gotten a lot more sales and interest in items much more quickly by using the yard sale page vs craigslist. On the facebook page, people just browse through what has been posted to see if anything piques their interest or if there is anything that a friend would like. It also helps that an interested buyer can see your profile picture and know that you are a real person living in their community. We sold the Foosball table, 2 of the beach chairs, the tent, trunk and tennis balls all through the Facebook group within 5 days of posting them. In hindsight, we should have priced the trunk quite a bit higher which is the other benefit of the facebook site. You get people posting stuff for way way less than actual value often times because they are moving or just need to get rid of it. i.e. a beautiful marble vanity that sold for only $20.
Do any of you use Facebook yard sale groups in your area? Are there other online sales sites you prefer? If you want to find a group in your area just type the name of the city or area and "yard sale" in the search box on facebook.
Foosball Table- $50
6 Beach Chairs (4 aluminum, 2 steel, poor condition) - $30
Rio Beach Shade Tent - $15
Wooden Trunk - $10
6 cans of sealed tennis balls - $8
Last weekends finds
-2 nice aluminum beach chairs with minor repairs needed
-60" Rear projection TV- Mitsubishi 60735- needs a new light engine. Anyone have one of those? :-D I am not willing to spend the $180 for a new one so it will get turned into parts and a giant fresnel lens.
-48" tall chalkboard easel in good shape
-Hard bottom boogie board