I have had the same thing.
IMHO, There is only one way to stop it and that is to put the fear of god into them. Doing things legally is a waste of time. There are so many loopholes for crims and low lifes and they are masters of the game and will beat you every time.
I know on the net everyone takes the moral holier than thou highroad and says don't do anything you shouldn't, don't stoop to their level etc and that's all well and fine if you like being a victim and or don't have the guts to stand up for yourself. You are never going to win the game sticking to the rules while the other guy is cheating. That is just more laughable internet dillusion.
But you know, I'm a terrible person and I'm sure you don't think like that at all.
Now I would never suggest anything illegal,...... So maybe the best course of action would be to have a chat to him to discuss the problem and get it out in the open so you can amicably resolve your differences.
Be very polite and make sure you aren't interrupting him and wait till he is on his own in some rather quiet area so you won't be distracting him from a meeting or conversation with any of his friends and he can hear you clearly. Maybe you could take a sample of the scrap you collect, just a bit of bar or something and tell him, while this may be junk to you it's very important to me and let him see up close that this scrap is not something he is interested in getting involved with. Perhaps tell him how stressed all this is making you and you feel like you are loosing the plot and about to snap which you don't want to do and loose control of yourself. I have met some tough people in my time and the one thing they are very scared of is an unpredictable Phsyco so don't whatever you do scare him. That might un nerve him and then he would avoid you and make it difficult for you to be friends in future which i'm sure is what you really want.
Also don't do anything creepy like park your car near where he lives and be taking Pictures of the place. That is probably completely legal where you are but might make him feel uncomfortable and you wouldn't want that. Also don't hang around where he lives with a group of your friends. Again, that may make him feel uncomfortable even though you are just trying to befriend him and welcome him to your circle of friends.
If he is a super, he must work for a body corporate so you wouldn't want them to find out about what he is like as he may loose his job and that would be too bad. I don't know the law in your area but here there are a lot of things that are deemed public record, for instance if someone has been charged with a crime. You can get those records from the courthouse or over the net. Even copies of the police reports you have filed may be detrimental to his employment.
If something like that was to go to the body corporate whom he works for, they make take a dim view of that and give him the arse and of course being the easy going kind of guy you are, You certainly wouldn't want that would you?
No, of course not.
Many years ago, one of my wifes bosses started picking on her and causing her undue stress after she rejected his advances. She complained to her superiors and her complaint was dismissed and the harassment increased. I was sure it was just an unfortunate misunderstanding so I tried to discuss the matter with him. Every day I would wait for him to come out for lunch and see him but I was a much younger fitter fellow then but could never find the right words to say to him. I really wanted to discuss it with him so I would keep him in view and anticipate where he would be as he walked around and pop up in front of him. No matter how many times I went over it in my head, I just couldn't get the words out when I was in front of him. Many, many times. I would just be standing there silent like a stuffed Dummy. It was terribly embarrassing but I'm sure I didn't show it and after a few days, He seemed to be getting very uncomfortable with it.
I thought it may be better if there weren't so many people around so one day I waited in the car for him when he came home. Again I froze up and just sat there looking at him staring at me sitting there before he went in and I drove off.
He must have felt Guilty about his behaviour and regretted it because early on the Monday morning my then then GF rang me and said her boss had told him to call off her BF. She had no idea what he meant but she rang again at lunchtime and said her boss had been very nice to her that day and was from then on in.
I was glad things were resolved but felt very ashamed of myself I had never been able to get a word out, just stand there and stare at him all those times.
In the last couple of months I have been able to overcome my shyness and rung several people who had been very tardy in paying their accounts they had with my fathers business. I have been able to have very professional and cordial discussions with these people, All of who I would happily have played to the police, and they have been able to see their way clear to finding the funds to deposit into my fathers account literally within an hour. They must appreciate my professional and accommodating demeanour because friends of my father have heard word around the small town about these calls and that he has someone else coming to help him now and then. I guess it must because I am not a local but it seems some people, mainly those with a reputation in town for being less that prompt in settling their accounts have been talking and seem very wary of me.
I was most sad that one guy that I spoke to whom was very obliging in making promt payment said he would no longer be buying anything from my father. My father on the other hand being the forgiving type he is very graciously made me feel better by pretending to be very happy about that and even added some expletives of where the guy could go but it must be a long ways off because I haven't heard of such a town anywhere nearby. Given that my father is the only one in the area that has these particular items, I sure the chap won't be buying locally which is a shame.
It's always best to talk these things out with people face to face wherever possible so they understand how you feel about the situation and go over possible solutions.