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Scrap truck part 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Angry Scrap truck part 2

    Scrapped my old non working van - I liked like no other
    During the floods 2011 -12 I loaded cast iron boilers into it
    hit the scales at 3900 pounds . That Ford Econoline had the 4.2 V-6 got decent MPG Slow empty same slow full & it was voluminous ,It was rusted did not run & so it goes .
    with cats received $580
    Ok so I figured it . as per PA law I can cover rust with sheet metal.
    It seems PA law says no under carriage rust near suspension .
    I can also fix with sheet metal any hole larger then a quarter .
    I will not get rid of my fine running work truck . It does what it's supposed to ,it's a tool - I need it as it is - casual
    New old truck 1999
    not perfect but respectable , my kids like it. particular my son .
    then realized I like this truck , carpets , power windows , even a little A/C . nice radio - It's a rugged looking truck in flat black .
    It's my truck .... it's my nice truck ..... clean .... I look ok in it ....
    it's not full of inventory at all times . I need it .Gosh why should I only have the beast as my only ride . Thats what I was crying out for , A little road respect . I need it , I work hard enough & I deserve to come home from work , clean up and take a trip down town not in my work truck but a clean truck .
    It can tow and it can be used for hunting scrap . and keeping my sanity

    Last edited by Copper Head; 06-20-2015 at 10:51 PM.

  2. #2
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    So you decided to keep ol' faithful and add the new (old) truck to the fleet?

    I completely agree with your decision. Like I said in the other thread - it hurts a lot to bring something that's served you well to the scrapyard and watch it get clawed away. Keep the old truck, sheet metal and all, until she's really seen her last haul.

    Keep the new one as your pride and joy. Empty it as much as you can so when you're in town you can walk back to an empty flat black truck..not a Sanford n son truck every time.

    Glad things are working out Copper Head. I'm still not sure where you are in PA but if you are worried about getting inspection stickers with the sheet metal on there I might be able to steer you to a shop that will give you less of a hassle than some of the others in the 717.

    Everyone deserves to drive something they're proud of - I'm glad you're in that club. Someday I'll get there myself.

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  4. #3
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    I took a close look , cosmetics are 8 hrs work . But the left & right cross members ( frame ) normally say 15 inches total length
    has lost 4 inch - Gone
    creative fix needed for work truck
    Last edited by Copper Head; 06-21-2015 at 06:33 AM.

  5. #4
    matador's Avatar
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    As long as you can make sure that the truck is safe, I'd keep it too. A little sheet metal work will cost a lot less than a replacement truck. Now, if your frame is this bad, it's another story:

    I'd have it looked over for structural integrity, and if that's fine, then I'd get the pop riveter out and start patching!
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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