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Today's SCORE

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    DerekRay started this thread.
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    Today's SCORE

    Well as usual after work i'm looking through the dumpsters for bottles/cans with deposit (many have 25 Euro Cents- turn in about 10Euro a week) And any other goody that catches my eye.. found this somehow.. stamped 10kt Plan to have tested when im back in the states to see if its real and maybe get a value. Clearly thrown out when someone was moving (box had a bunch of random trash that you keep until you move haha) Ive posted it as found, yet I doubt the person "lost" it. Im sure they didn't mean to throw it out though. Also found my son a chemistry set NIB ($60.00 on amazon) and about 20 good fishing lures with a couple old ones. Also 2 motherboards and one finger card.

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  3. #2
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Congrats. What country did you find your treasure?

  4. #3
    DerekRay started this thread.
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    Germany. On an American base.

  5. #4
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    As a military monkey (my father retired from the Air Force) I assume military bases would be the ultimate playground for scrappers. Constant transfers, limited notice, and weight restrictions would mean lots of scrap. Good luck.

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  7. #5
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Once in a wile I have found a gold trinket always a plus. Nice perspective as to value of size to weight .
    Lately I cash some cans in Not , the worst pocket change .

  8. #6
    DerekRay started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    When I was in the military in Germany they would have what I think they called a Inspector General thing where you were only supposed to have what you were to have so the dumpsters around base would start filling up with the extra gear and such that people wanted rid of as they had no where else to "hide it". I found it interesting how wasteful this was as many items were new or in perfect condition. If it was a military issue item you could find it depending on what dumpsters you looked in as they would many times put stuff from one end of the base in the dumpsters on the other end.

    The Germans also had a clean up day once a year where they could put what they wanted rid of out on the curb. You were not supposed to do the "curbco" thing but I and a few others would see what we could find without causing problems. Some Germans didn't care if others salvaged things, but some acted like you were trying to take their daily newspaper.

    I found many very interesting items with some having some value as they were old and or collectable.
    Yes, bulk trash! Awesome curbco, I found some interesting items. My only issue is I haven't turned in any metal for the simple fact I feel they would question where I got it. There is metal contracts in place, and for all I know it could be with the yard I would bring items to. I only get from actual dumpster. There is glass, metal, electronics, plastic, paper, and cardboard recycling containers. I've gathered hundreds of pounds in copper and PCBs. I will be back in the states soon, will feel good to cash in my stockpile. Might keep copper.. I might keep all of it haha. My wife claims im a hoarder, I guess my garage agrees with her. Lots of items that be sold.

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