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New Fire Extinguisher for the Shop

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    silverockdzl started this thread.
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    New Fire Extinguisher for the Shop

    My friend and I were picking up 3 big ass, 100 gallon water heaters from a hotel in town. Across the street at another hotel, a dumpster was sitting in the parking lot full of stuff. Obviously, we had to take a peek and this is one of several enclosures that we found. I tossed'em in the trailer and off we went. I did scrap all but one but now that I think about, I should have kept them and tried selling them on ebay. Well, anyway. Each enclosure had the glass breaker which is aluminum so, I got a little bit more for those.

    I must admit. I drank the original No. 7 contained in the bottle. It's so good how could I resist. The liquid in the bottle looks like whiskey doesn't it? Mr. Google told me how to make water look like whiskey. One tea bag later and it's all good. So, it really could be used as a fire extinguisher. Some day, I think I will get a new bottle of the real stuff.

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  3. #2
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I once used a cooler for a fire extinguisher, after the contents of said cooler was drank and the drinking of the beverages in that cooler had just a "little" to do with the fire getting started!

    Yet another use for a cooler and I need a JD fire extinguisher for my bar!

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  5. #3
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Need to put a dozen in at the shop reasons..yeah that's it.... insurance to keep me around the shop later than normal. HA
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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