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A man and his truck.....

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    gabrielservices started this thread.
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    A man and his truck.....

    Hey guys, my wife and I are talking about getting me a new truck, which I was at first excited about. However I don't know if I can give up my current truck. Its a 1990 w250 single cab long bed 318/727. Got close to 300k on the clock. In my opinion you just can't kill a dodge.... I've had 2 they just won't die. I don't know what to do, get a new truck and get rid of this one or put the money into my current truck. I can't keep 2 trucks, I can't afford it.

  2. #2
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    I wouldn't put much $ into a truck with 300,000 miles on then, glad you've had good luck with dodges, your a diamond in the rough. And when you say new I hope you mean new to you. Scrapping beats up a truck and a new one is just going to loose value faster. With an old truck say you need new shocks then shocks then you need a new fuel pump and then your tranny needs rebuilt which isn't worth it in an old truck then your out hundreds in the new parts you just put on it. A newer truck is a better investment dare I say.
    Last edited by DevinThaScrapper; 07-17-2015 at 09:54 PM.

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    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    Take it off the road for a future project, that's if you have a storage spot for it. I have had several brand new vehicles you can't beat that feeling. But I have learned to buy used. Say 2 or 3 years old I think you get better value.The first owner already ate the depreciation for you.
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    gabrielservices started this thread.
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    Lol yes a new to me truck. on the other hand I do heavy hauling for other people from time to time, and I want to start doing that more,So maybe getting a 1ton dually would be better.

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  8. #5
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    The answer to your question basically boils down to if a different truck is a need or a want. If the vehicle is a make it or break it situation for survival, buy another truck. If it would be nice to have a different truck, wait.
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  10. #6
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    More details -
    Mileage if HYW does not matter
    Pure city
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    what is the 300,000 comprised of .

    Next does the old truck need fixing now , or is it the future .
    Get the new or newer truck .
    then hunt for insurance companies that will give you the best price for 2
    I've seen it for me , one company to expensive and another priced rite .
    Having 2 trucks is the way to go , one for more easy going scrap projects & used to get new jobs ( looking more successful ) & the other for use that you just don't worry if a big pipe hits it wile you load. Dividing up the use with 2 is a good thing . Finally in time the old one will pass on . Then you have your new truck that has been babied for a few years ready for full action .

    If the old truck runs don't get rid of it .If major work is needed to continue thats different . As to Dodges lasting , yes absolutely , still a factor I believe is many of us take for granted our driving stile causes most any vehicle will last if you use care.
    Driving technique transcends to any vehicle you have . Well driven & maintained Motors / Trans will last .
    But the truck may look like a beast .

    Final factor - as long as you have a decent family car and the wife is happy with her ride
    then whats the rush if your truck is doing it's job . Lets face it a scrap truck is a work truck
    being gun shy when loading - stepping on roof with abandon to get a better grip . tossing off heavy item's off the side with no care is a priceless feature .
    Last edited by Copper Head; 07-18-2015 at 10:48 AM.

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  12. #7
    pjost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabrielservices View Post
    Lol yes a new to me truck. on the other hand I do heavy hauling for other people from time to time, and I want to start doing that more,So maybe getting a 1ton dually would be better.
    Are you pulling a trailer? Or doing your heavy hauling in the pickup bed? Maybe a trailer is your answer. You can do lots more weight in a trailer and pull it rather than lots of weight on the truck.
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  14. #8
    matador's Avatar
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    I wouldn't put much money into a 300k mile truck unless you knew everything about it.

    Since it's a 25 year old truck that you have, the owners make more difference than the brand at this point. But, I've done very well with the two Dodges that I have. It sounds like you like them, so I'd buy a Dodge. If nothing is really wrong with this truck, I'd save up to get as much truck as you can. If something expensive is out on it now, I'd go for another truck, instead of running the risk of getting upside-down in this one.
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  16. #9
    gabrielservices started this thread.
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    The front end needs redone(i have everything to do it, just can't afford to put the truck down) it SHOULD only take one day BUT everything else I've fixed, one problem leads to another to another etc.) case in point spring snapped in the rear drum brakes, ok no problem went to replace brakes, well long story short the whole braking system got replaced. Everything was so corroded. The engine is tired, tranny leaks where it mounts to the engine. The truck has never let me down. Ive had it for 5years. Paid $1000 for it.

  17. #10
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    The engine is tired, tranny leaks
    The Tranny leak is an issue when the cost to keep fluids
    proper cost to much .

    I once had a caravan with a bad Tran leak - 20 miles equaled 2 qts
    with fluid it worked flawless go figure . That was to expensive to use .

    Some times you have an auto and you figure you will use it till it dies.
    My Chevy venture was like that , then you realize it just wont give up
    and as long as your willing to deal with it - alls good. There does come that day
    when you say I have had enough & this truck will out last me - then it's time .

  18. #11
    matador's Avatar
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    I think you've made your $1000 back. You can work on it, but we've done that with both a farm combine and a baler. When something's just worn out, there is always something else to go wrong.

    Now, if your brake lines were corroded, check for metal fatigue. That was the worst problem with the combine- if the metal is weak, things will shake themselves apart. Personally, I'd look for anther truck, and since you have the parts, work on the front end and see if you can get a few hundred bucks for the truck. If not, I'd use it as a run-about until something I didn't have parts for broke, and then I'd dump it....

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  20. #12
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Why don't you shop around and see what's available for trucks in your area.That might help you make up your mind.

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  22. #13
    gabrielservices started this thread.
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    Name:  00u0u_dCut95N9WuU_600x450.jpg
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Size:  45.8 KBSomething like This is what I'm after. Haven't found what I'm looking for yet. this is gonna sound stupid concedering the truck I have now but I want a 93 D350 dually diesel extended cab stick shift.... the reason is I have an air bag set up for it on my current truck. and they changed the frame in 94. So it won't work on the newer trucks. But it just so happens I like the body style I have and really don't like the body style between 94-02.

  23. #14
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    There's nothing wrong with that. Out here, though the first generation Cummins trucks have a loyal following. The only complaints that I've heard on them have been that they're kind of loud. If that's the worst to expect, that's doing pretty well!

    My only full-size Dodge is a 1986 D250. The truck is really well-put together, and is very easy to service. I don't see too many extended cab or crew cabs of that generation, but if you can wait and look, I'm sure one will turn up. Being in Nevada, you shouldn't have any rust issues, so that'll help.

  24. #15
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    Nice looking truck , sure any one would want that

  25. #16
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    A man and his truck.....

    cant go wrong with a old 12 valve cummins. just sold my 99 2500 and bought an 07 2500 mega cab. nicer ride and room for the kids.

  26. #17
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    A man and his truck.....

    matador is right they are loud. sound like a box of hammers idling away. love it. even my new truck is loud. i use a minivan and trailer for curb shopping at night less attention. no one likes getting pulled over for noise complaints. love my stacks

  27. #18
    gabrielservices started this thread.
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    Well, since I last posted I have acquired not 1 but 2 dodges.�� 1992 dodge w250 single cab 360 5speed 120,000 miles. Paid $650 for it. No title..... drove it on my trailer. $80 for a title. Next has a special story, I got it from the original owners wife. So the story goes, I was on my way to the dump when I blew a tire on my truck. Great, no spare. 5ish miles from home. No ones answering the phone. So I walk home. Got a tire got a ride back to my truck. My spare wasn't very good so I went to the tire shop. Got another tire. This whole process took 3 hours. Finally made it to the dump. Was unloading and a guy pulled up next to me. He was in a 88 dodge ram charger with a dodge truck trailer. We got to talking. His grandpa was in the process of restoring an old dodge truck when he passed away. I asked him what they were doing with it. He said he wasn't sure. I gave him my phone number, asked him to have his grandma call me. About an hour later I get a phone call, its the grandma. She proceeds to tell me about it, then says how about $100 bucks for the truck. Told her I'm on my way. I get there we start talking, an hour goes by, she looks at me and says that she has decided to just give it to me! (Finally all that good karma I've been building up got cashed in). Its mostly restored, needs the front clip put back on, dash installed, and paint. Her husband bought it brand new in 1975. Its a 1975 dodge w100 360 4speed. 130,000 miles. Motor rebuilt at 50,000 miles.I'll post pics shortly

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  29. #19
    matador's Avatar
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    Wow! They're both great deals!

    You'll love the 360. I have one in my 1986 D250 with a 4 speed. In my mind, the 360 is the best small block V8 for pulling from the era. If your 5 speed has a low gear, you can move a lot. I can pull a 4000# trailer of straw at almost an idle. The 360s have very good lugging capabilities. Being a 1992, I think yours may be the first year of the Magnum engines, which means even more power.

    For the price, you can't complain! Plus, it sounds like they did most of the hard work on the restoration for you!

  30. #20
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Thanked 1,672 Times in 829 Posts Find out what makes grandma real happy and after a couple of weeks or a month, drop it off and give her a gift certificate for it. Don't take no for an answer. Many times is a lot more fun giving away and surprising people than getting a score

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