Ive tasted many of the sweets that be scrapping , From the street to legitimate scrapper services .
While legitimate feels good as you are respectable to the average person .
The call of the curb , the dumpster always beckons .
The reality is prices are down & construction is down (by me).
I still find my Vacs , TV's & some (and plenty ) good hit's
but many of my best spots have dried up .
It's a sad cometary as I look for scrap and one to a bunch of Bottle's / Can's is sitting there exceeding the value of a small metal find - I used to marvel at .
My job in particular can earn $150 to $200 in Returns , I still find scrap but current pricing does not deliver the abundance equal to Thousands of Cans & Bottles wile it is challenging to organize them - I do with the same push as scrap.
In comparison I picked up an oven from a contact - with a value of $3.50 I'm not complaining
but a shift in technique is happening for me . Scrapping plus Bottle's / Can's has put me back close to what I remember was peak .
Short steel still packs some punch, even if less then what Mix was .I am diligent to prepare as short. I am one with the Curb & I dare say I am about the only one out . Even the Tv's and Vacs still have cords that tells you some thing .