I got a call a couple of weeks ago from my dad's old friend who said he had some scrap for me. It was pouring rain and he lives in the bottom of a really treacherous valley road. When I got there he didn't have much in the way of scrap, and it become clear to me that I was there to clean out his garage.
He's 83 and known me since before I was born, so I enjoyed a nice visit with his dogs, we had some homemade brandy and I proceeded to load his stuff into my truck. In all there wasn't a whole lot that got thrown out.
I scored (junk): 2 wooden/canvas director's chairs, 2 boxes of crooner/big band vinyl, 4 full sized louvered window frames for my niece's playhouse, an old elementary school desk to go in the playhouse, 3 boxes of VHS movies in great condition, 8 quality fishing rods, 2 peach baskets full of reels, 2 hand carved mexican stone statues about 18 inches high
(scrap): 3 sets of broken golf clubs, six metal folding chairs, old 10 speed bike, an old square steel fan and 100 feet of heavy duty extension cord.