So last week I'm just taking apart some computers, nothing big, and my phone rings. On the other end is a guy from a small garbage company. He tells me that he has been taking in
E-waste and he needs an electronics recycler to get it from them. So we set up a meeting for today with the owner and low and behold we strike a deal. I just have to take all his e-waste, crt's and all. them he shows me what he currently has on site, two 48 foot semi trailers loaded with gaylords overflowing of electronics. So now I have to step in the batters box and make him an offer, he agrees to 2 cents per pound on electronics and I get to handle the weights and he is trusting me on the payments and discloser. Then he tells me that if I could handle it, he could have a trailer load every week for me, WOW.
Now I now you all will ask about the crt's, I came across a charity that can make money on the crt's, no one else that I have contacted in the past will pay for them, so off to charity. I don't have to dish off any certificates of destruction for anything either. I was doing the "best store" thing with crt's but they only take 3 a day as most all of you know.
Will start posting some pictures after Friday when I start picking up from this place.
Its nice when the free advertising pays off.
If anyone in the northern subs of chi-town needs a place for crt's, PM me or email me and I can get you the name of the place and a contact. They are picking up 50 from me today in the afternoon, let you know how it goes.
Now I gotta start sorting the stuff I currently have and ship it out to a couple guys here on the forum, going to be better days ahead. Amen.