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Big Contract Finds Me

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    tski72 started this thread.
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    Big Contract Finds Me

    So last week I'm just taking apart some computers, nothing big, and my phone rings. On the other end is a guy from a small garbage company. He tells me that he has been taking in E-waste and he needs an electronics recycler to get it from them. So we set up a meeting for today with the owner and low and behold we strike a deal. I just have to take all his e-waste, crt's and all. them he shows me what he currently has on site, two 48 foot semi trailers loaded with gaylords overflowing of electronics. So now I have to step in the batters box and make him an offer, he agrees to 2 cents per pound on electronics and I get to handle the weights and he is trusting me on the payments and discloser. Then he tells me that if I could handle it, he could have a trailer load every week for me, WOW.

    Now I now you all will ask about the crt's, I came across a charity that can make money on the crt's, no one else that I have contacted in the past will pay for them, so off to charity. I don't have to dish off any certificates of destruction for anything either. I was doing the "best store" thing with crt's but they only take 3 a day as most all of you know.

    Will start posting some pictures after Friday when I start picking up from this place.

    Its nice when the free advertising pays off.

    If anyone in the northern subs of chi-town needs a place for crt's, PM me or email me and I can get you the name of the place and a contact. They are picking up 50 from me today in the afternoon, let you know how it goes.

    Now I gotta start sorting the stuff I currently have and ship it out to a couple guys here on the forum, going to be better days ahead. Amen.
    Cleaning up the e-waste one company at a time

  2. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    That's awesome but don't forget the pics.

  3. #3
    wayne1956's Avatar
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    Since you are paying for the crt's and they are going to a charity, you can use those as a write-off for your taxes.

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  5. #4
    tski72 started this thread.
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    Big Contract Finds Me

    No, I'm not paying for CRT's. should have made that part clearer. I am paying for electronics but CRT equipment of any kind I will remove for free and not charge them. I just figure that even at 2 cents a pound for all the other ewaste will cover things since my overhead is low. At the least right now I'm getting 4 cents for shred and I can but printers in the shred pile. I could already see the mass of desktops and things with sealed lead acid batteries. Also my local is close in price to one of everyone favorite buyer on here for P4 small sockets but can't come feasibly close on other high dollar parts, so the shipping boxes will start filling up. Making the first pickup in the late morning so will post some pictures in the evening if my phone will let me. might just have to start a photo album on the profile.

    Just wish I had a loading dock to ship out from, then Gaylords at a time, but for now I guess it's just the 70 pound limit on the boxes.

  6. #5
    4barrel's Avatar
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    You can make more profit by scheduling a pickup from a semi - we schedule it for an afternoon and then build the pallet in the morning in the parking lot. Make sure and order a pickup with liftgate, it costs around $45 but they can pull pallets off the ground and lift them into the truck.

    I'd say I increase my profit about %30 by avoiding the per box shipping cost.

    Quote Originally Posted by tski72 View Post
    No, I'm not paying for CRT's. should have made that part clearer. I am paying for electronics but CRT equipment of any kind I will remove for free and not charge them. I just figure that even at 2 cents a pound for all the other ewaste will cover things since my overhead is low. At the least right now I'm getting 4 cents for shred and I can but printers in the shred pile. I could already see the mass of desktops and things with sealed lead acid batteries. Also my local is close in price to one of everyone favorite buyer on here for P4 small sockets but can't come feasibly close on other high dollar parts, so the shipping boxes will start filling up. Making the first pickup in the late morning so will post some pictures in the evening if my phone will let me. might just have to start a photo album on the profile.

    Just wish I had a loading dock to ship out from, then Gaylords at a time, but for now I guess it's just the 70 pound limit on the boxes.

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  8. #6
    tski72 started this thread.
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    Big Contract Finds Me

    I'll have to look into just that. I do believe that there is a guy or two on the forum that does logistics and the such. if I find them, I would much rather pay someone from the forum here than some "joe smo" if you know what I mean. I know I might be able to have my buyer from here for the boards setup or get me in touch with a shipper like that to, I just have to go on their chat on the website.

  9. #7
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    "Just wish I had a loading dock to ship out from, then Gaylords at a time, but for now I guess it's just the 70 pound limit on the boxes.[/QUOTE]

    I take a pallet or pallets to the shipping dock and put boxes on to them and then wrap them with the plastic wrap. Far cheaper shipping costs that way.

    My last shipment I was able to stage the pallets at a friends dock which worked out great for me. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  11. #8
    tski72 started this thread.
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    Hey yeah, that could be a great option. Now I just have to figure out which of my friends work by a loading dock. Up until now I haven't had the need for large shipping so I haven't thought about it. Before it was stress from "how to pay the bills" to stress from "how to get the paid" funny how that works.

  12. #9
    ThatTubaDude's Avatar
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    I bought one of those 300 gallon tanks that has the metal bars on the outside and plastic tub in the inside. I cut off the top of the tub and was able to box up the small parts and then just fill up the rest with mother boards and ship it. With the bars i was able to take the tub out since i needed more room, and line the outside with cardboard so nothing fell through. Then I just filled it up while it was in my pickup bed. I set it up that I would drive it to the shipping terminal which worked for me because it was only 10mins away and saved almost a $45 pickup fee. They then had a forkilift that was able to just pull it out of my pickup bed andcaIled it good. If you can, definitly ship in pallets.
    Last edited by ThatTubaDude; 08-07-2015 at 12:03 PM.

  13. #10
    wayne1956's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatTubaDude View Post
    I bought one of those 300 gallon tanks that has the metal bars on the outside and plastic tub in the inside.
    I believe those are called "totes".

  14. #11
    JnJunk's Avatar
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    Heyyy that is pretty cool. I'm in Batavia, so not to far from you. Not that I could handle that much material anyways.

  15. #12
    tski72 started this thread.
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    Big Contract Finds Me

    the totes and the terminal are good ideas since my trailer can handle 2 skids at a time and handling that much, no I can't either but I'm able to pick up a truck load at a time and keep on working, almost like having my own storage facility where people can still actively keep dropping off and all I'm paying is 2 cents a pound for everything except for CRT equipment. Sorta a nice setup if you ask me. they make some money for holding and I make a lot of money because of here on the forum.

    Thanks to all that have added the learning information, it really helps.

    loading up now. pictures later

  16. #13
    ThatTubaDude's Avatar
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    My totes

    Sorry the pics are not the best i was intending to take a picture of the pole. Here is the tote with cardboard in it.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

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  18. #14
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    get watermelon bins from the local grocery store
    Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.

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  20. #15
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I'll have to look into just that. I do believe that there is a guy or two on the forum that does logistics and the such. if I find them, I would much rather pay someone from the forum here than some "joe smo" if you know what I mean.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  22. #16
    tski72 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatTubaDude View Post
    Sorry the pics are not the best i was intending to take a picture of the pole. Here is the tote with cardboard in it.
    I have one of those out back, I was going to use it to collect rain water but just haven't had the time to. I got mine a long time ago when I was stupid and people were selling them for like 50 bucks around here. I think you can find them free sometimes.

  23. #17
    tski72 started this thread.
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    Well over the last month I have been working on this load. Sorta had some personal issues and truck issues come up in the mix, kids stuff, head gaskets on the truck and little things like that, lol. So had to rent a 26 foot truck from the orange truck guys, and after a day long break down on the truck that was just serviced and getting told the product had to be moved quickly, did 4 full loads of good stuff and 3 loads of TV's to donate. so far I have gone through and turned in over 18,000 pounds of material to the local yard and shipped out a few boxes of stuff to Ohio working on the next shipment now. I have been trying to upload pictures to my albums, but I keep getting an error of failed to upload, maybe is MS or something. I have a whole bunch on my cloud with the same but I just can't seem to upload here. I will look into it more and go from there. I know you all say "no pictures, it didn't happen" but I don't remember how I did the first album. once I figure that out, the album will be full of pictures.

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  25. #18
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Put your albums over onto photobucket. Copy the little url that each pixs gets when its uploaded and paste it into the forum. Should work fine...

  26. #19
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    upload them to a free photo hosting site and put in the direct link. My favorite is imgur. No mess just photos uploaded.

    Edit: Looks like Dakota beat me to it when I got distracted searching for parts.
    Last edited by SteelMill; 09-15-2015 at 10:32 PM.

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