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It's time to sell Boards

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  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    It's time to sell Boards

    You computer IT sellers are still here . I need cash , One of my hold outs has been what I casually found in the last 6 or 7 years . I figure 500 pounds to 1000 really not sure but I have boxes of them & piles of them here and there . Wile I have no official count I have a room of computers still intact also . 486 & pent pros - yes -
    But most are what is typical for windows XP .
    Wile I know the boards of disk drives have value I tend to sell as copper bearing , Hard drives I just collect and have not sold as CB .

    I figure I'll goto new jersey or Long Island NY to sell it will be worth 200 mile drive.

    Any advice ? as when it comes to typical scrap , I have no concerns I wont get taken advantage of .
    I am not concerned if the market is down - What is the general price per pound ( possibly the highest ) & I'll work from that point .
    Wile scrap is .05 for mix
    short $179
    cars $125
    Copper $1.88
    AL .40
    From what I read not the lowest
    But same old story in the North East
    computer stuff pays at best .35 cents a pound . The best part is the yards here keep it in Gaylord boxes with a large marker statement " High Grade Boards "

    I did not save them for 7 years for a total crap price . I'd love to keep saving but I need cash .
    If I have 1000 pounds of said items is it realistic to get $2000 $3000 out of it .

    The final consideration I figure I have around 500 Plus Hard drives in also . I don't see dismantling them as the few I did seemed very time consuming .

    I am leaning towards Rockaway recycling
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-10-2015 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #2
    gorven's Avatar
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    Without pictures of what you have its impossible to say. However if you have a good mixture of boards meaning large socket mother boards and gold finger cards ie video cards and have 1000 lbs using one of the buyers here I wouldnt see it impossible to get near $2000 for it even after shipping. Anyhow you would get way more then .35 cents per lb

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  4. #3
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Rockaway recycling
    (Last Modified: Monday, August 10, 2015, 8:15 am)

    Clean Green Motherboards $1.40 /lb.
    Non-Green Motherboards $0.75 /lb.
    Memory Chips $4.50-7.00 /lb.
    CPU Processor Chips $5-30.00 /lb.
    Whole Computer Towers w/HD $0.18/lb.
    Laptops $0.50 /lb.
    Power Supplies (w/ wires) $0.16 /lb.
    Harddrives w/Board $0.50 /lb.
    Harddrive PC Board $2.00 /lb.
    Cell Phones (NO BATTERY) $0.80/ lb.
    Telecom Equipment CALL
    Servers $0.14-0.27/lb.
    Back Panels CALL
    Low Grade Non PC Boards $0.08 /lb.
    Insulated Wire $0.40-.67 /lb.
    AL Heat Sinks $0.37 /lb.

  5. #4
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    Rockaway recycling
    (Last Modified: Monday, August 10, 2015, 8:15 am)

    Clean Green Motherboards $1.40 /lb.
    Non-Green Motherboards $0.75 /lb.
    Memory Chips $4.50-7.00 /lb.
    CPU Processor Chips $5-30.00 /lb.
    Whole Computer Towers w/HD $0.18/lb.
    Laptops $0.50 /lb.
    Power Supplies (w/ wires) $0.16 /lb.
    Harddrives w/Board $0.50 /lb.
    Harddrive PC Board $2.00 /lb.
    Cell Phones (NO BATTERY) $0.80/ lb.
    Telecom Equipment CALL
    Servers $0.14-0.27/lb.
    Back Panels CALL
    Low Grade Non PC Boards $0.08 /lb.
    Insulated Wire $0.40-.67 /lb.
    AL Heat Sinks $0.37 /lb.
    Seems low to me, but the easy thing to do is compare those with the prices from buyers here on the forum. You will have shipping costs, but dont forget the costs you will have in driving 200 miles and the time it takes. I would ship...find a buyer willing to sort for you and just put everything in a gaylord and have someone pickup LTL. Cant imagine 1 gaylord would cost more than $200 to ship to someone in that area of the country (and you have a few to choose from).

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  7. #5
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    With that much weight you can/should ship a pallet.

    As long as you have been a contributing member you have not been reading the ewaste threads. Given that fact look at threads that help id the different boards(sticky threads) and then look at the buyers threads for prices. Until you classify each item into separate piles and weight them you will not have a good idea what the total value is.

    To hold your hand a little bit: separate the boards the best you can then either load up a gaylord box placing paper/plastic between layers. This will make the grading by your buyer much easier and you will get you money sooner.

    Or as an alternative fill boxes with like boards and assemble them onto a pallet, wrap them with plastic. When you ship them you will know the gross weight. It you weigh things as you go then you will have a general to good idea of the weight. Keep in mind there is a huge difference in price between types of boards.

    I've been dealing with a couple of the buyers here on the forum soon after joining the forum and have been treated very well. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  9. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Those board prices are low, esp. memory/cpu chip prices. Memory is still around $13. and chips go way up to around $80.00lb.
    You could gain after shipping an extra $200-400 by utilizing one or more of our buyers. Heck, even one of our shippers chimed in right above. Post #2. Do your homework and price compare.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  11. #7
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    I actually considered driving down there a month ago. They were a little late (compared to other buyers) in dropping there green motherboard price. Had I gone, as far as motherboards, it would have only been small socket green boards as I could have sold the rest for better prices elsewhere. One thing that did catch my eye was their description for green motherboards. It implied taken out of all types of appliances. Sounds to me like they were including mid grade green boards with the motherboards. I think they changed the description since then.

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  13. #8
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    With respect to post #5 #6
    I guess the time is now for me to grasp
    what is what . As stated I know scrap related to
    curbco but I don't want to mistakingly sell memory or chips for $4.00 and later find out Wa it's worth $12 or $80 a pound for those items .

    True ... not put time into E Waste threads . But its time to get out of the dumpster and put on a Tie ( proverbially ) well I have found some computers in dumpsters but it's time to relearn another aspect - -
    I have some product & it could catch my attention it delivers $$

    I just don't want the learning curve rip off scenarios .
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-10-2015 at 03:55 PM.

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  15. #9
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    You will find better prices here , if it was me I might sell them my low grade and insulated wire . But .80 # for cell phones and $2.00 # hard drive boards are a insult compared to what the buyers on this forum pay . I also noticed there is no finger card or telecom prices . Perhaps they don't even separate these which will hurt your bottom line .

    this company looks to be paying 25-50 % of current market value on most items . I would reccomend finding another buyer .
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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  17. #10
    matador's Avatar
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    I would personally ship. I've seen prices for hard drive boards fetching $9.00 per pound. I agree with Metalbestos- those prices look a little insulting to me.

    We have an excellent freight shipper here on the forum. When I shipped a pallet from Wyoming to Ohio, the cost was about $0.35 per pound. You would stand to make a lot more money doing it this way.

    Heck, I think that sending a bunch of UPS boxes would yield more money than using the prices that you've posted.
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  19. #11
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    you are getting not sell the higher end stuff...ESPECIALLY the cell phones at .80/lb. I JUST shipped to Ewasted from Georgia for around .38-.40/lb...he is pay well over $3/lb on cell phones...after shipping you will be making 3X the $$$. That is just one example. Had drive boards and ram prices are WAY low too. The CPU prices sound fishy as well.

    This is DEFINITELY the time to not get screwed...I would contact one of the well know and valued members in the buyers thread and just ship it. I am betting if you send a pallet, the shipping can get down to 1/2 of what I was paying through Ewasted's discounted fedex charges.

    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  21. #12
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    The pallet worked that way for me- almost. I shipped 1200# for $0.35 per pallet, and 68# FedEx boxes went for about $0.70 per pound.

    The RAM prices are a joke. You can get another $6 per pound from Ewasted.

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  23. #13
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    Where are you located? One way or another, find a better buyer.
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  25. #14
    spinroch's Avatar
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    Why sell to Rockaway? They are great for metals. Send your boards to Mario or one of the other buyers here. Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense.
    F1 Recycles

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  27. #15
    tski72's Avatar
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    It's time to sell Boards

    Yes, I would definitely have to agree with you all, send to Mario. for my higher grade stuff, the local yards can't even get close, but on the heavier things, I just take them to my local buyer. cpu's, ram, all other motherboards exempt small low grade, cell phones, HD boards and cd rom boards all go to Mario, along with a bunch other small and easy to ship items. I'm going to be working up a pallet to ship to him within the next few weeks.

    The heavy stuff like power supplies and low grade board and hard driver without a board are not cost effective shipping for me. Another option is check out PTS and pricing for working dual core processors and ram. another great guy to do business with. Just be sure when shipping to PTS, you take care and package processors securely, lesson learned the hard way, cost me about 15 to 20 processors out of about 100.

    Get a reading in the ewaste sections about identifying the boards and even if your close to sorting, I'm quite sure nobody here is going to kill you for sorting fees, unless you mix silver and gold memory together. lol
    Cleaning up the e-waste one company at a time

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  29. #16
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    I have lots to digest ,
    So first I'll start selling off all inventory in order of value and rarity to find
    mix - short - motors - copper bearing - AL - copper - brass and if that delivers the funds I can sell boards
    not in desperation.
    Is it agreed if brass and copper inventory delivers for my needs I should sell off EWaste last.
    Or am I better off hanging tight on Copper brass as prices up or down it's a solid commodity
    with less chance of any EPA lefties putting regulations on methods
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-11-2015 at 09:03 AM.

  30. #17
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    I NEVER try to time commodity markets...I sell when I get it in and move on..the money I would have made by sitting on it is dwarfed by the money I can make when I flip quick. Think of it as the power of doubling...if I wait 6 months and get a 20% premium when I could have used the money and flipped at 5% a month...I win. Speed is the name of the game, IMO.

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  32. #18
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    I have lots to digest ,
    So first I'll start selling off all inventory in order of value and rarity to find
    mix - short - motors - copper bearing - AL - copper - brass and if that delivers the funds I can sell boards
    not in desperation.
    Is it agreed if brass and copper inventory delivers for my needs I should sell off EWaste last.
    Or am I better off hanging tight on Copper brass as prices up or down it's a solid commodity
    with lass chance of any EPA lefties putting regulations on methods
    What do you consider copper bearing?? That's a pretty general term. I wouldn't list Hard drives, cd/dvd drives as copper bearing. At the least pull the hard drive boards and sell the rest whole.

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  34. #19
    tski72's Avatar
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    It's time to sell Boards

    I agree with mechanic on that. pull the boards off of those drives, for the hard drives you will need tiny torx bits. if you got a harbor freight tools by you, they have a set for under 10 bucks I believe. Then find you a yard that deals with electronics, not just an average everyday steel yard. they will give you HD without board prices. the cd drives you take the board off of are shred after you pull the board off and if you have 3.5 floppy drives, just leave those alone and you should get a price for them whole.

    Put those boards in your "to ship out pile" and find you an R2 yard. Make good with a head buyer there and show him that you want to do business on all aspects and you will get handled right.

    My local buyer gives me pretty good prices on all the crap that is to heavy to ship in comparison to the price I get. Even some of the high dollar stuff, like small socket p4 motherboards are only like 10 to 15 cents lower than Mario. Can't beat that.

    All IMO.

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  36. #20
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    I NEVER try to time commodity markets...I sell when I get it in and move on..the money I would have made by sitting on it is dwarfed by the money I can make when I flip quick. Think of it as the power of doubling...if I wait 6 months and get a 20% premium when I could have used the money and flipped at 5% a month...I win. Speed is the name of the game, IMO.
    Thank you, thank you. Good advice.
    I called the scrap yards yesterday and got some prices on insulated copper and aluminum. Down about .15 a pound for both but I have to sell it because I need the room and I'm still making a profit.

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