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My yard offered me this.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    hamuki started this thread.
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    My yard offered me this.

    Print plates.

    Grade A+ 34 DKK pr Kilo (5.24$) (2,62$ pr pound)

    Mobiltelefon-print, Hard drive-print, Gold/copper kort, PCI cards PC, laptop, PC mobo older than Pentium.

    Grade A 17 kr/kg (2.64)

    PC mobo new than Pentium or mixed.

    How are these prices in your eyes?

  2. #2
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    It seems that the post did not translate well from Dutch to English language.

    Mobiltelefon = cell phones ?

    Hard drive = Hard drive -or- Hard drive boards ?

    PCI cards = Finger cards

    Laptop = Laptop

    PC Mobo older than pentium 4 ( year 2000 ) = Large socket motherboard

    Pentium 4 Mobo and newer = Small socket motherboard

    1 kilo = 2.2 lbs.

    Look here:

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  4. #3
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    will also be harder for you to really decide if a good price...most of the buyers on the board are in the US. Localized pricing where you are will most likely be entirely different.

    Just wanted to point that out.
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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