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Safety Side Note: Whenever you are cutting out wiring, make sure YOU are the one that disconnects the power! After I asked about the wire, I asked if there was power, "No it's all shut off". So in the first section of the barn I start merrily cutting away and have no problem. In the second and third sections I had a wire in each spark when I cut it. Thank goodness for insulated gloves and handles! It actually melted a divot into my wire cutters! Also, even though your wearing gloves, doesn't mean you can't hurt your hand. Because of the humidity I got a dime sized blister on the bottom of my middle finger from cutting so many times.
we jokingly call those apprentice cutters.

but getting juiced is no joke..
a simple tool you should pick up is voltage detector.. if you put it anywhere near a current it will sound an alarm...
like 10 -12 bucks for a cheapo.. worth every penny.
been through a few old houses that were going to be demo'd and one in particular the power from the pole was cut already...but the house still had a live circuit. Found out the same way you did.. you never know, but it's certainly good for your health to double check.