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I hope this guys gets 4 flats at once...

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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    DakotaRog is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I hope this guys gets 4 flats at once...

    From our local CL "free stuff" postings. It only takes one loser like this to make things bad for all metal recyclers!! I hope he gets flats in all of his tires at once!

    "To the person that came on to our property in a truck with Iowa plates and took metal , steel , electric heaters and other items out of our white truck bed trailer on 269th ..
    This is stealing you drove all the way in our drive way to get to it when there are no trespassing signs posted that you can clearly see before ever entering our property .. The steel and metal you took "we get money for "the other items leaned up against the trailer we were using and if I see you here again I do have your plate number and you will be arrested for trespassing ..
    Might have even let you have the stuff if you were so desperate had you just asked but a stranger just coming here , taking what you want and ignoring our no trespassing signs is blaten stealing and disrespect for other people there things and property .."

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