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I hope this guys gets 4 flats at once...

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    DakotaRog is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I hope this guys gets 4 flats at once...

    From our local CL "free stuff" postings. It only takes one loser like this to make things bad for all metal recyclers!! I hope he gets flats in all of his tires at once!

    "To the person that came on to our property in a truck with Iowa plates and took metal , steel , electric heaters and other items out of our white truck bed trailer on 269th ..
    This is stealing you drove all the way in our drive way to get to it when there are no trespassing signs posted that you can clearly see before ever entering our property .. The steel and metal you took "we get money for "the other items leaned up against the trailer we were using and if I see you here again I do have your plate number and you will be arrested for trespassing ..
    Might have even let you have the stuff if you were so desperate had you just asked but a stranger just coming here , taking what you want and ignoring our no trespassing signs is blaten stealing and disrespect for other people there things and property .."

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  3. #2
    ttuck666's Avatar
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    If this guy knows the plate number i'm guessing they must of had video of the theft. If so i would contact authorities. They should easily be able to track down the thieves.

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  5. #3
    DakotaRog is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yeah, I'm not sure of the circumstances. Maybe it was that they had some stuff out there for pick up and then this guy came further down into the property and took the other stuff (??). I agree, I would have just called the law. But then again, there is still a certain amount of "South Dakota nice" around here that gives people the benefit of the doubt, "they needed it more than me." I consider myself a compassionate person but I also believe that enabling bad behavior doesn't solve the problem in most cases. Many times it only emboldens it...

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  7. #4
    Scrappah is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I dunno .... scrap prices aren't that good right now. The "thief" sold out his integrity for something kinda worthless. He knew what he was doing was wrong.

    Sucks to be him. Stupid people make stupid choices and have $hitty lives. They may not get caught but they always pay the price in one way or another.

    There is justice in the world.

    ETA: LOL ... you don't have to seek retribution. Guys like that are their own worst enemies. They'll punish themselves ... all you have to do is get out the popcorn and watch the show.
    Last edited by Scrappah; 09-11-2015 at 04:39 PM.

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  9. #5
    matador's Avatar
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    I completely agree with Scrappah. This is as stupid as the guy who steals gravel. He's just run off with $7.25 of scrap. Ethics completely aside, that's not much financial gain!
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  10. #6
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    He's very lucky he didn't leave with some extra lead...
    ~You have to start somewhere to get anywhere~

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  12. #7
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    The "Problem" once a thief, always a thief! This type will do it again and again, for so little gain. For me it's the act of being "violated", my space, my property, my time when I'm so willing to give, just have the decency to ask!

    I look forward to catching these types, no matter how little the value of the property, they need to be caught and taught!

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  14. #8
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    Considering all yards take ID and plate numbers now. Why don't they call the cops. Something seems fishy. Every load of scrap has a picture along with everything I mentioned.

  15. #9
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigburtchino View Post
    The "Problem" once a thief, always a thief! This type will do it again and again, for so little gain. For me it's the act of being "violated", my space, my property, my time when I'm so willing to give, just have the decency to ask!

    I look forward to catching these types, no matter how little the value of the property, they need to be caught and taught!
    One can be rehabilitated but in my case it took years

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  17. #10
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    Mike - The price of education, "PRICELESS". There is always a better way!

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  19. #11
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    Last year I noticed a dryer sitting next to a garage that I pass by everyday on the way to drop my kids off at school. The dryer appeared to be in good condition and could be resold. I waited a couple three weeks to see if the dryer was still around. Sure enough, the dryer just sat there. So, one day I stopped and knocked on the front door. Nobody answered so I left one of my cards in the mailbox where the resident was sure to find it. A couple days later I received a call and the gal who lived there said I could come pick it up the next day. Great!! You could see the dollar signs in my eyes. She said she would have her husband set it by the driveway(which meant, by the curb). I drove by the next day to pick it up and the **** thing was gone. Someone had heisted my dryer that I had worked for by stopping and asking. I was a little pissed that the dryer was gone but I should have known to tell the woman just to leave it next to the garage. I was not out a lot but $75-100 was waiting for me to collect on the resale of the dryer. So, some ahole scrapper picked it up and just threw it in the scrap pile instead of selling it for much more than scrap. I still drive by that house most days and I still grumble a little on the missed opportunity for a little profit. A lot of people in this world really suck.

  20. #12
    DakotaRog is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Pistone- As far as I know, SD yards are not required to take pixs of anyone's load. Most have security cameras but nothing is telling scrappers to, "stop, I have to take a picture of your load". Because I drive a car, most of my stuff is in the trunk. The new steel yard I go to, as far as I know, have no cameras out viewing the piles which is almost 400 yards from the gate. Different world here...

  21. #13
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    The city I live in has both a high ratio of poor and of scumbags. I happen to live right behind two thrift stores...a great example was tonight when this truck I had never seen before comes along, both stealing donations off of the dock and then telling this one semi-regular I know who dumpster dives that "they work at the DAV" and telling what she could and could not take...then the semi-reg who has a problem much like the person who leaves a turd in the urinal, for the umpteenth time proceeds to dump trash not in the dumpster, but right next to it. Even left a dresser sitting in the MIDDLE of the alley. I don't understand what is wrong with people.

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  23. #14
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    @dakotarog Not really the yard you deal with is not in compliance with the law at all. It's pretty much nationwide that plate, I'd, pictures of load, etc are required. It won't let me insert the link but just go to scrap laws . Com all one word it won't even let me type out the link for some reason (dumb) and look up South Dakota. Simple.
    Last edited by PistoneScrapProcessing; 09-13-2015 at 06:00 AM.

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  25. #15
    DakotaRog is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Multiple yards I deal (at least 2) with don't do this as far as I know. Other SD scrappers can weigh in if they like. I'm not into a pissing contest if you're right or I'm right, just comes from my observations. I don't know everything so maybe they're doing it without being obvious...

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