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  1. #1
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Who do you prefer to work with? (sorry if its a repeat could not find a thread)

    Okay, well I have a question for all you SMF members, Its about who do you prefer to work with? Girl or a guy? I myself don't really care about who they are but I noticed that some people prefer some over others. Well I would like to have an honest opinions from you guys. I myself get in conversations about this. Some people say guys are good to work with because of the obvious and some say that girls are not that good to work with. Which I find wrong because I work just as hard as a guy in this kind of industry, but that is not my opinion that's what others tell me from my experiences and so on. Honestly though who do you prefer? Guy or a girl? and reason why.

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  3. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Honestly it doesn't matter as long as they do their job. I've worked with both and have no problem with either. That's how I met my wife. I came into work one morning and my boss told me I had been chosen to train the new employee.

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  5. #3
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    My wife, many different occasions, places, types of work, under some difficult conditions, repeatedly smart, strong, with immense drive. Married over 34 years and no you can't have her.

    My advise is learn to rely on yourself. Study how to run a real business, cash flow, taxes, permits, insurance, etc. Then learn how to hire and manage employees.

    I have said it before I do not have a partner other than my wife. An old saying is "The only ship that won't sail is a partnership". Now that does not mean I don't work together with others on specific projects but its only for the time it takes to complete that project.

    In most every partnership I know of one of the partners does more work. And each of the partners believed they are the one who does the most work.

    The answer lies within you, try it and see how it works but protect yourself on the way. The experience will do you good. 73 Mike
    Last edited by miked; 10-03-2015 at 06:22 PM.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

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  7. #4
    matador's Avatar
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    I work with family for the most part, but outside of that, it depends on the job and the person.

    I knew (And still know) a girl who helped out with some small office tasks. She did the job very well. I also have a male friend who helps with some of the work in the computer shop. He's worked with computers since the early 90s, so he is very good at it. I know a female computer tech who is just as fluent, but she's on the other side of the country, so her help is over the phone or through E-Mail.

    I know that's the political answer to this question, but that's how it is.
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  9. #5
    farrarrecycling's Avatar
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    I work with whoever I can get for that job site. As long as they know how to follow directions, and there a hard worker they fit right in here. As you know im very strict with everyone and watch how they work in different environments, if they complain, etc... But in the end as long as they work hard and get the job done it doesn't matter to me whether their a guy or girl.

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  11. #6
    spinroch's Avatar
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    In my book, if you can do the job, and have the drive, it makes no difference.
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  13. #7
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Thank you guys for the responses I myself have a few things about people. I have tendencies about hard work. I work and work.. I think I breath work lol but yeah I believe that both doesn't matter as long as I have the job done and they work. I was just curious because I have had been discriminated just simply because I am a girl "doing a mans job" when I believe that any one has a equal chance to work.... A man can do a girls job just as much as a girl can do a mans job.. .
    Last edited by scrapbabe97; 10-03-2015 at 08:29 PM.

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  15. #8
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    It depends on area. We're in farm country, so everyone puts in a hard days work. There are days where I'll throw a few hundred bales of straw or plow all day. If I were born a girl, I'd be doing the same work. It doesn't really matter out here. But, that's the country for you.

    It's not as stereotypical as you'd think- there are no bikini-clad women in cowboy boots sitting on tailgates by the river! People are people, and that's just how we look at everything. In the cities, it may be different, but out here, life is pretty simple, and everyone gets to make the best of the opportunities that are available.

    We should all get out of here quickly, before Hobo Finds shows up with his photo albums!

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  17. #9
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    I don't get a lot of women applying to my company, however, I have hired a few. Not one has lasted long working manual labor. Men and women usually have a much different style of communication and my boys are rough around the edges as are most unskilled blue collars. I've never had a woman work with them for more than two weeks.

    My office is 50/50 men and women. They're mostly college grads and they get along perfectly.

    All this being said, my wife is currently obtaining her Doctorate in Chemistry and this woman works harder than anyone I have ever seen so far as her work. Now when it comes to labor, you can't expect too much out of her past her early morning run.

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  19. #10
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    This is not politically correct, but it depends on the job that needs to be completed. For scrap work I prefer females. Females are more into details, follow directions and safer.

    For ranch work I prefer males because they are more aggressive and physical.

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  21. #11
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    If they work as hard as me, or at least try, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day if the work gets done and everyone is in one piece, then its a good day.

    For most physical jobs I seem to be working solo lately. But I enjoy working side by side with my wife more than anything. We work as single unit with very little verbal communication, about the task at hand that is, and accomplish 3-4 times more than working with someone else.
    Last edited by junkfreak; 10-04-2015 at 05:24 AM.

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  23. #12
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I prefer to work with men when out in the field and in the trenches, they don't seem to care about getting dirty when all there is, is more dirt! In my office I prefer women they look and smell better than the men, do not mind telling me, "what I did wrong" and I need that!

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  25. #13
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    bigburtchino - BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I was debating saying something....why does the post and answers seem very stilted? Almost like a translator program...someone from Maine...doesn't sound like it to me. All that is IMO, but read it again.
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  26. #14
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    bigburtchino - BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I was debating saying something....why does the post and answers seem very stilted? Almost like a translator program...someone from Maine...doesn't sound like it to me. All that is IMO, but read it again.
    How would you know I'm not from Maine? I'm confused, because I was born in Maine and haven't left Maine. Do we sound the same or something? Or type different than the rest of the country? I'm soooo confused...Considering I write like this not much different than from anyone else...

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  28. #15
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    <gentle laughter >

    Any self respecting Maine gal would have ripped him a new bodily orifice for calling her heritage into question.

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  30. #16
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Well, you are right haha! I would of in .5 but its a comment with someone behind a screen.. I bet if they saw me they would think twice on what they say...

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  32. #17
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappah View Post
    <gentle laughter >

    Any self respecting Maine gal would have ripped him a new bodily orifice for calling her heritage into question.
    Must be the southern Mainers - they don't call em Maniacs for nothing. My experience was the more north you go, the more laid back they are.

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  34. #18
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Trust me I lived up Northern Maine and just moved back two central Maine 2 years ago.. Its opposite I think it changes every few years lol!!!

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  36. #19
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Just trying to keep my dirty mind out of the gutter!

  37. #20
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    I usually work with and/or hire guys only because they are the one's that apply for a position. But honestly the girls that I've worked with, will at least try harder to do the same job. And as already mentioned, they usually do smell better.

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