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4 tons of scrap metal being removed from my yard.

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  1. #1
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    4 tons of scrap metal being removed from my yard.

    About two weeks ago my partner and I had to remove 4 tons of scrap metal out of the yard. Due to the fact that we didn't have a truck or equipment then we couldn't bring it into the scrapyard our self so we made no profit off of this pile. But the pile had everything in it from Lawnmowers to cabinets and appliances. It took three truck loads with in two days. Keep in mind the truck was 21 feet by 8 feet and basically each pile was 4 feet high. This metal pile was started around last November and was ended around this August. I would of helped out but I was not allowed to work due to a recent injury to my wrist (yes if you have read my intro thread I was injured not to long before that keep in mind I tend to be accident prone). There will be a video uploaded once I get around to putting it all together and edit it some.

    Before the pile was taken away.

    This is when the guys started to take the pile.

    When they were pretty much done

    Last edited by scrapbabe97; 10-04-2015 at 06:28 PM.

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  3. #2
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    If you don't have a way to bring the items to the yard WHY collect them?
    Instead of bringing the items home, wouldn't it make more sense to just bring them directly to the yard instead of having to double handle everything and then not get any money for it?

  4. #3
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Well the Trailer died just a few weeks before this happened... We couldn't come up with money in the time the pile had to be removed... Someone put dirt in our radiator just a week before also when we were on a scrap run for an old lady who husband had died and wanted to pay his funeral bills.. If everything didn't die we would of taken it to the scrap yard...Also with things around here you take what you can get.. They also wanted to charge 600 dollars for a 18 wheeler to come out and get it... when prices were 30 a before you go assuming things you should consider there are other factors to the side of the story that is none of your business...
    Last edited by scrapbabe97; 10-04-2015 at 07:04 PM.

  5. #4
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapbabe97 View Post
    Well the Trailer died just a few weeks before this happened... We couldn't come up with money in the time the pile had to be removed... Someone put dirt in our radiator just a week before also when we were on a scrap run for an old lady who husband had died and wanted to pay his funeral bills.. If everything didn't die we would of taken it to the scrap yard...Also with things around here you take what you can get.. They also wanted to charge 600 dollars for a 18 wheeler to come out and get it... when prices were 30 a before you go assuming things you should consider there are other factors to the side of the story that is none of your business...
    Whoa. Chill. YOU started this thread, YOU stated no money was to be made from this removal, what the heck kind of replies did you expect? Obviously someone was going to ask WHY no money was to be made and heck, *I*even wondered why you stored this much and never took it in. If you got it INTO your backyard you could find a way to get it OUT.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  6. #5
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Nice photos
    The roll back looks like an old UHaul truck with box removed

    Was not trying to tick you off and if there are other factors to the side of the story that is none of your business...
    Lets not post said story on an open forum

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    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    It is off an old uhaul...
    and Thank you...
    And that's why I did not mention any names....
    Last edited by scrapbabe97; 10-04-2015 at 07:29 PM.

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  10. #7
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    I don't believe John was trying to offend you. We tend to post things that we think may help, just in case you haven't considered it. In John's case, that's exactly what he was doing, trying to save you the time and effort of offloading it in the yard to be taken for no profit later.

    If you post it on the forum, you're going to get questions like that. I sure have, and I've learned a lot from it.

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  12. #8
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    I would've definitely checked to see if any yard in the area would deliver a roll-off for that amount so you could at least make something. That may not be available where you are. It is here...
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  14. #9
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    I believe that's what she was talking about when she said 18-wheeler.

  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteelMill View Post
    I believe that's what she was talking about when she said 18-wheeler.
    Ahhh... okay, I read that to be the people removing for free tried to charge to bring in an 18-wheeler. Apologies for misreading.

  16. #11
    TheRecycleGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteelMill View Post
    I believe that's what she was talking about when she said 18-wheeler.
    im sure it was, my belief that times for yards like these they try to get every buck they can. usually you can call for a roll off or my yard has a truck and a mag crane attached, yes you will get less money for pickup but you will get something back but as i said during these times.. 30...60 a gross ton will not get you squat... so sorry bout the jerks that sabotage your vehicle, not cool at all.. on another note maby try this next time while driving arround if you find another scrapper with a truck/trailer you may see if you can call them and split it for them to haul. i just gave a guy a hole trailer load for free so i can make space for kids b day party. helped them out.. helped me out..

  17. #12
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Well we never got a roll off where we are its to expensive.... would of not made money at all.. kinda sucks being in the middle of no where and not having the equipment...

  18. #13
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapbabe97 View Post
    Well we never got a roll off where we are its to expensive.... would of not made money at all.. kinda sucks being in the middle of no where and not having the equipment...
    You could have rented a U-Haul box truck and made the loads if everything fell together right. Sometimes it just doesn't tho.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  20. #14
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    With uhaul one day would of been 500 just to get to the scrap yard alone haha.. we are out in the boonies LOL!

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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapbabe97 View Post
    With uhaul one day would of been 500 just to get to the scrap yard alone haha.. we are out in the boonies LOL!
    ok, down here it was 49.95 a day for a 26 footer,,,

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  24. #16
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    You could have rented a U-Haul box truck and made the loads if everything fell together right. Sometimes it just doesn't tho.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    ok, down here it was 49.95 a day for a 26 footer,,,

    Apparently things have changed. Or they're different here.

    They sucker you in with those ""only $29.95/day" signs, then slap this fee, that tax, mileage fee, hard-sell insurance... It's a racket!

    Oh, and if you don't bring it back full, and they have to go RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the 7/11, they charge you a $30 service fee and like 6 bucks a friggin gallon for what gas they do put in.

    Last edited by auminer; 10-05-2015 at 03:22 PM. Reason: Forgot about their gas scam
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  26. #17
    TheRecycleGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    ok, down here it was 49.95 a day for a 26 footer,,,

    plus gas.. and milage? i may have to call them tomorow.

  27. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycleGuy View Post
    plus gas.. and milage? i may have to call them tomorow.
    You have to remember that was about 5 yrs. ago. If you would like I can find my partners (longwinded) thread about it and the (give or take) 400 TV's.

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  29. #19
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    400 TV's.
    Sounds like a WHOLE BUNCH of leverite.

    Leverite= Leave her right where you found her.

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  31. #20
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    its always a bummer to have to give away something you have been saving for a long time, especially metal. And where you pointed out what it would cost you for the uhaul to remove it to sell it is great, im glad you took cost into account. That shows great entrepreneurial knowledge. I know people around my area (in Florida) that only see the money that they get paid and don't think of overhead costs. so basically you said a uhaul was 500 bucks and down here 4 tons of shred sells for 240 bucks...... that's a huge loss. you also mentioned you are way out of town and that means lots of time in driving. time is worth money.

    like I said, it is always a bummer to give away material, but in this situation, you did the best thing you could. keep up the good brains and think about how you can better excel your business. good luck and remember this forum is full of knowledgeable people who are willing to help

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