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Pretty decent 4 hours

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    KillYrTV started this thread.
    KillYrTV's Avatar
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    Pretty decent 4 hours

    After work, I picked up my car with new tires, brake evaluation and oil change. Got light truck tires to help support weight . Brakes are fine, but found out CV joints and tie rods are bad, gonna have to replace them before I can get alignment done. From there, went to Best Buy to drop off 2 scrapped TVs for recycling. One of them was a small one from the late 80's, very heavy circuit boards I am going to enjoy taking apart. Went home, loaded up with shred steel and went to the scrap yard 5 minutes away, got $5.50. It was all junk, and prices are down ($50/ton). I'm setting aside for bigger loads all the valuable stuff that doesn't take up as much space (I still have alot to break down).

    On the way back home, drove by my anonymous goldmine's house down the street, and there was another pile of mixed metal. I can tell by the amounts and types of items that a scrapper/hoarder lives(ed) there that no longer does it. Lots of aluminum in this one, and a bathroom scale that will come in handy. Dropped it off at my house a few blocks away for later sorting, and loaded up the dishwashers I had already snipped the wires from. Found out I can fit 3 dishwashers in my car and still close the hatch. Ran them to the yard, got $4.25. Dishwashers are mostly plastic and air (and water in the lines almost ruined my amplifier mounted under my cargo area! But I lucked out).

    I usually try to drive down different streets to spot junk piles on the curb. On the way back from the scrap yard the 2nd time, I get some nice office furniture from the curb in front of a swimming pool company. An office chair, 2 waiting room chairs, and a 2 drawer wood cabinet that locks. When I got home, I threw my crappy chairs out on the curb. Consolidated the containers of aluminum cans I picked up, drained the water, stacked up the pots and pans. Then I went and picked one of my kids up, and delivered supplies to another. On the way back, snagged a TV off the curb, remote included Got home and my youngest son (8) played around with a magnet and scale. Pretty good 4 hours for for a scrap newbie. I'm hooked!

  2. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by KillYrTV:

  3. #2
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    The best chairs I have were next to the dumpster. You'd be amazed what people throw away.

    File cabinets and tables are more than scrap value items- file cabinets are an easy $15-20 out here. Dishwashers, washers, and dryers are great for throwing odds and ends before going to the yard.

    Not too bad!
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

  4. #3
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Hey, you at least covered your gas picking up and dropping off the stuff to be broken down later which will include AL, CU, Brass, motors and whatnot. And you had fun doing it!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  5. #4
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    The best chairs I have were next to the dumpster. You'd be amazed what people throw away.

    File cabinets and tables are more than scrap value items- file cabinets are an easy $15-20 out here. Dishwashers, washers, and dryers are great for throwing odds and ends before going to the yard.

    Not too bad!
    You could always turn those file cabinets into smokers

  6. #5
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Dishwashers are my favorite appliance to scrap, not really a lot to them, you can reduce it to a empty "cube" in about 30 minutes. The cube, makes a perfect box for packing in and compartmentalizing all the other "by product" light steel scraps. Then you store and stack those "cubes" of light steel until the price or the time works for you!

    I forgot to say, the chait I did was built like a "tank", and very heavy, so would be hard to load one by yourself.
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 10-07-2015 at 10:00 AM.

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