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have you ever heard the term "back charge" they touched something withing your scope of work, thereby making your job harder and infringing on your part of the contract
Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.
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From what i've seen over the years ..... legal problems are bad news for a business. ( You want to avoid them like the plague.)
Case in point:
One of the local mine owners here bought some used equipment from one of his competitors years back.
The competitor sold him the equipment and then turned around and reported him to OSHA & the Bureau of Mine Safety for having defective equipment thereby setting him up to fail.
I don't know how it turned out as far as the Guvmin't was concerned. I do know that both parties spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees during a long drawn out civil court battle.
After it was all said & done the only winners in the case were the lawyers.
The miner summed it all up this way .... he said: It's like two farmers fighting over a prized cow. All the while, the lawyer is down there milking it for all it's worth.
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As what I have told you can you please explain how I have been keeping up with my end of the job but they get to bulldoze things over and get away with it because they only wanted the cars and 3 1/2 busses...
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It's a crap deal for you. They poisoned the well you were intending to drink from. That's the way it goes sometimes.
Just don't make it any worse for yourself. You have to be careful because what goes around comes around. What you put out there is what returns to you in ways you could never anticipate.
A guy like that is his own worst enemy. The crap work he's putting out there will most definitely come back to bite him on the ass someday. The trick is to make choices where you're not linking his fate with yours.
Be happy in your work and strive for excellence. Don't worry about what the other guy is doing. Mind your business and you'll do well in life.
On where you are right now ......
Is there some way to quiet this thing down and delay for awhile ? The reason i say this is because winter isn't too far off. Pretty soon everything will be frozen in and buried under two feet of snow. Nobody will be able to touch it till late next April.
By then .... it will be a different situation.
Maybe i'm wrong but i just don't see this as being a profitable job for you.
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I don't know why they couldn't renegotiate a contract after the DEP analyzes the situation. I'd think they'd also have the right to back out.
I'm not a lawyer, but my take is that they agreed to do the job before this happened. The damage caused by another contractor has completely changed the circumstances, and the DEP audit will serve as proof for this. Since circumstances have changed, the contract should be eligible to.
Plus, if the DEP finds this to be a hazardous area, the land owners won't really be in a good bargaining position.
matador: "If it's free, it's advice; if you pay for it, it's counseling; if you can use either one, it's a miracle." -Jack Adams
More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips: http://www.scrapmetalforum.com/scrap...tml#post242349
Maybe if you put an ad in "Uncle Henry's", you can get the Down East D i c k e r i n g guys to clean it up for you.
Personally I can only see (from the pictures), LIABILITY for anyone that is involved with this property. If the soil has been contaminated (can't see how it could not be!), this can get expensive fast. This does not look like a good scrap opportunity for anybody, except for a bunch of lawyers and bureaucrats. (My $0.02 for what it's worth).
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Ummm .... trite sayings are all good and well but ..... this is Maine.
Maine and Louisiana were ranked by Forbes as the two worst states in the union in which to run a business. Here on the coast well over 90% of the new business startups fail within the first five years. In the Western and Northern parts of the state it's even worse.
Looking at it the other way .... they've got less than a one in ten chance of survival here. With the odds so heavily stacked against you it only takes one or two learning mistakes to put you under.
Your best asset is the advise of the elders in town. These are guys that have survived in business for years n years and have proven that they know to run a business in this place.
I can honestly say that i never would have survived the last fifteen years without their help. I owe them a lot.
Ultimately though ... you have to think and decide things for yourself. You'll either survive or fail based on your own merit.
Uggh ... winter is going to be on top of us in no time. The weather is good today so i've got to get my ass back out there and make some more profit. The lean times are coming where there will little or nothing coming for months. There will be a terrible consequence if we don't have enough put by to carry us through till spring.
It's no time to be distracted by the internet.![]()
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When I read all this I was about to undergo brain surgery to remove a clot. It went well and here I am looking to respond properly. To the OP, I really thing you handled it correctly except on one thing. You should have taken pictures, gone to your contract holder and said blunty that you cannot remove material from this site anymore due to environmental hazards. At this point you contact the authorities.
Now...for the rest of you. Let me give you a very very heartfelt lesson on why you don't flip the rock and pretend this stuff didn't happen because it doesn't involve you.
I am the survivor of a disease that has killed 800 of the 2000 veterans it has affected. I had 8 inches of my large intestine, a bile duct, valve, gall bladder and a nerve bundle removed from my body because I drank water.
You heard me correctly. I drank water. Water than KBR gave us in Iraq, potable drinking water, water used in cooking, bottled and so on. It had heavy metals and high concentrations of treatment chemicals still in the water unbeknownst to us. So when I see this stuff and some of you take that attitude of its not my problem. Guess what, It definitely IS your problem. I cannot stress this enough that if you see it happening you need to say something... Water has almost killed me. Water almost killed a good friend of mine who spent her childhood at Camp Legeune as a child drinking bad water for ten years. Bad water I remind you that has since been linked to 10,000 cases of cancer. She's had a double mastectomy because of it.
So...I never again want to hear a statement "its not my problem." Ever. In fact, it's counter intuitive to a recycler's mission statement. Leave everything you touch better than you received it.
WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!
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That's why I wanted the DEP to know and everything I have sent them pictures and waiting for them to tell me they got them (I sometimes mess up on the Email. So I tired again this Morning). I myself thought of the animals and the people drinking the water not knowing why they were sick or so on. I myself know people who have had cancer just from contaminated water. Its really sad that the fact that no body knows that his place has discharged so much chemicals into a few of the lakes (I even swam in the lakes this summer that it contaminated and didn't know until after). So think of all the kids and all the other people who swam and fished and hunted animals that drank the water..
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I for one will say thanks for doing proper diligence by this. However, I caution you about ever setting foot on the property again.
You need to get serious real life proper contract . Line items , change orders , when another affects the scope of your work areas clearly defined . By survey and stations or Lat long. You encrouched on a US route 1 goes from Maine to fl you could be on the hook . By trying to do the right thing . I don't think this was a j/v between you and the other company took in the constuvtion practices and specs in you state . Just clearing site has lots of things clearly defined by the state . But in the beginning our plan sheets say what specs to govern.you get need a bond to cover the job or onsurance job specific . When you encroach on land state owned I've seen the right of way go from 30' to 2800' fro edge of paved road they don't own it per se but has to be treated as such for drainage , utilities and other reasons . I'm a retired NJDOT highway construction inspector I've seen a lot and learned a lot before blowing whistles , I would have sent a fleet of RFI/RFP and change orders now no matter what happens you are as liable as the other guy really unless you have film it's he said she said . It don't fly in court you both were there did work. Not it's a mess not surity bond ? Or insurance job specific to cover haz - bio haz and removal and remediation . It isn't gonna get done this calendar year . That's makes it bad fir every one but nobody really has defined tasks . Only do line item contracts or really ,you can't estimate and determine P&l. And that today's metals Market is horrible us an understatement. I would rum fa away but your neck deep . And called everyone that can give fines that you grandkids couldn't pay . You need to find a great lawyer that knows construction practices .
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I can help out on this one. The DOT is involved with this clean up as well but last I heard there not to happy with the other junkyard since they seen my truck and trailer there and knew what I was taking from the site each time.
Even the first day they went by checking my trailer full of computers front to the back and side to side. We have special permission to have trucks leaving weighing up to 150,000 lbs each since im only 2 miles from the site and the other junkyard is only 20 miles away in the oppisite direction.
I can take anything I want from there including the steel if I want any and I have taken a few hundred pounds. Now there is information being left out that the court, dep, dot and the companies involved know only for privacy reasons.
Here in Maine I take state contracts all the time and ive never received a written contract from them or anyone else at that. Even for DOT bids they call me and I place my bid over the phone if I win they tell where the material is and ask when I can pick it up, if its a vehicle requiring a title (1995 or newer) someone meets me and signs the title over to my company and then I just take the vehicle as required.
Even for the school bus I own I never had a contract signed and were just about done over there. I did offer a contract when I offered to clean this location myself but I never heard back from her back in March of this year. The county probate court is also involved since the last owner didnt leave a will when he died last year. Here in Maine everything is done oppisite then other states.
Back in 2004 the DOT paid half and the other property owner where he had stuff on offered to pay the rest to the state. The DEP was suppose to be involved from the beginning but the other junkyard never called them in.
Im the only approved Ewaste demanufacter in our county and anyone dealing in ewaste has to be licensed by the DEP in Bangor, Presque Isle, Augusta, or Portland depending on what part of the state your located in.
This isnt considered a construction site in the eyes of the state of Maine or the town of Talmadge where there is no building permits, zoning, or codes. Maine dosent do anything by the book in this area and the state looks the other way. This county has over 100 illegal junkyards in it alone.
The storm water permit is required by the state and the DEP is aware there was none issued I have one on site for discharges to the local lake but every test has always been negitive for anything including lead, mercury, etc... except for one discharge which was fixed within 2 days by moving scrap metal around. Now here the only way to fix the problem is to bring in dumpsters, and clean it the best way possible.
One thing left out originally was that I was only a few days away from getting the contract but the other junkyard went down to the owners house and spoke to her and convinced her to let him do it. The county and town wanted me to do the clean up but it didnt happen like they wanted. It also didnt help he let the public in there to take stuff so it messed everything up for us at times not knowing what was gone and what wasnt. Having dealt with the court in Calais I can say the state always wins not the junkyard I know that first hand from 2011 when they charged me for recycling without a license I got my license a few years after.
As for insurance Maine dosent require it of any job site never been asked for it either from the public or the state or even the town anywhere. Maine dosent have a law requiring it of a site clean up such as this but I usually try to keep a million dollar insurance policy on my locations. As for Bonds Maine dosent require them ever. Only used car dealers are required to have them and insurance companies almost no one else here. We have really no laws for insurance or bonds for businesses. I update my law book every 2 years or as required that I keep at each location and in each truck.
Licensed Recycler - Permitted Auto Recycling Yard - Approved Ewaste Recycler
The more I try to understand this "As Maine Burns" soap opera, the image and memories of what I thought, was pristine and beautiful Maine have all but evaporated.
Farrar Recycling - The matter factually manner in which you describe "bushiness as usual in Maine", brings back the Wizard of Oz realities of business in general and the governing agencies that promote incompetence of abundance through out our country. This lack of caring about the air, water and land, that we all depend on, becomes "not my problem because - THEY DID IT".
Toto were not in Kansas anymore!
I also have A CDL and Having " special permission " even from the Governor ( never get this ) is far exceeding the design. Ad insurance. Tire load of you vehicle . I would not do it with permission . Unless permits and insurance to back it up . Just my experience
I'm trying to help here . And worked in areas very rural . But commercial vehicles follow FMCSA section 396 " the green book but my job covered accidents in work zones with Feds , State police etc . And to make it easy for. All it's shifting liability bottom line . I can comment and help but you can't put toothpaste back in the tube.we had a contractor not starts job awarded because ( dredging ) because conditions changed from the job starting til bids went out ( sometime it a couple years to a lot more) but he state does soil borings and environmental wirk yeasts before a job states so there is no suprises . I know this is a private job that went hay wire . And I hope you bases are covered . The other guy looks like he doesn't care about the land big mistake . Remediation is a it deal nowadays . I don't post here much but read here most every day . If you wis to phone that's fine. Patriot 76 has tons of experience in this at it seems he fell across that Joe by accident .
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I think it's best to let this thread go. What was once a thread about how not to do a clean up is now how every state is right and how every state is wrong when it comes to cleanups like this. Every state runs their EPA differently and it's no one's place on here to say otherwise. Take the info in the thread for what it is and move along. Too many ego's running around today >.<
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