This job site is located in Talmadge Maine. The clean up was awarded to another large recycler a few towns away we were only on site to remove the ewaste, and non ferrous metals we could. This thread will cover how not to do a site cleanup. We had no say in this and the other junkyard (no names will be said for privacy). This site had over 20 vehicles including military equipment and trucks, 5 school buses, a mobile home full of stuff, 2 houses full of stuff and each bus was full from the front to the back and from the floor to the ceiling.
The job was started on July 3, 2015 and my partner went on the 4th when they started removing the vehicles to pickup the ewaste and start the non ferrous. The first day over 3000lbs of computers were removed. Over 3400lbs of non ferrous were removed and we removed the mercury switches from each vehicle prior to removal from the job site.
Most vehicles didnt have enignes or transmissions some are just cabs. What happened is the junk yard (who is licensed at city and state level just like us) is just taking what has the most value to him (#1 iron mostly and complete vehicles). There were fridges full of rotten meat since the owner of the property died in August 2014 and no one was called in for over a year after his death. His family started the junkyard over 50 years ago and they just kept adding to it over the years into the day he died. My partner offered to do the clean up with a set price per ton, no cost for dumpsters, and to have a fence put up along route 1 into finished but the owners sister went with the other junkyard and this is the final result. I offered the other junkyard to clean up the rotten meat but my offer was not taken and the junkyard owner decided to knock over the fridges and let the whole place smell like rotten meat. Which by the way stunk so bad that we could not work there for some time. we came back yesterday and was astonished to see what happened within three weeks ( we took a week to work on another site and the truck decided to breakdown for the other two.) and see that all the stuff that should of been put into dumpsters (which were never brought in to remove the trash) was pushed back into the woods and into the ground. With everything bulldozed we could not get to anything that we could or recovered or scrap. This shows that people can be selfish and rude to not only to people but the environment and the town. There is open chemicals everywhere and tanks that could blow up with one wrong move and piles of scrap mixed with trash to fall on top of someone. Someone that would not be paying attention could be killed easily someone with a cigarette and drives by and flicks a butt out of the window into the area could blow up about 3 towns. There is enough propane tanks to heat up a few houses for a year or two.
Here are some pictures from before. There isn't many but some.
here are some pictures of the disaster after.