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  1. #4
    newattitude started this thread.
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    eesakiwi, thank you for a great description of possible thought process. I hadn't thought about the ''not knowing how good it used to be.''

    I know something is better than nothing and being lucky enough to have a job as well as scrapping, I guess I'm wondering if it's enough. Is what the newbies make now helpful enough in todays market? I couldn't survive now like I did when I started out on scrapping alone.

    Are the newest having to learn how to fix and flip to make some of the money? Something they either never did or thought about before? Do they like to do this and are they having fun doing it?

    I guess todays market has impacted us all in that sense, we have to learn new ''job skills'' so to speak. And, its cheaper than going to college for the education as its a hands on learning/self taught profession.

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