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Its harder and harder to even find a job. I'm 18 years old and I have applied to jobs to baby sitting from working to Walmart and even a little gas station. They did not even get back to me about anything. In Maine its that way any way I tried everything and nothing around here. I only got a message from a scrap yard a few months ago and took the job because it was only job that was willing to hire me. I even had a teacher help me with my applications and everything to help me to have a higher chance to be hired that didn't even help at all. I even still today look for a job and got lucky just a week ago and I have been looking for over two years. Even though there is not much money with scraping but there is some kind of income to pay the bills and some food here and there.. barely getting by is better than not getting by at all.
Your last sentence says a lot. Hang in there and keep on "keepin' on" (as cliche as I know that is....) ... anything less is giving up.