My answer would be no, I can't make it on scrapping. But the $$ isn't why I started so I may be an odd ball here. SHOCKER!
If I knew then what I know now, would I start scrapping in this crashed market? Yes, I would.
It's been such a weird and wonderful journey - so far away from the rat race that I used to live and breath.
Out there, all I had was money. My boss showered me in bonuses for being a good soldier. "Ole faithful" as she liked to call me.
When my legs were kicked out from underneath me, the physical pain was nothing compared to the mental anguish of feeling worthless.
I might have sat in that wheelchair, marinating in my own pity party, had scrapping not mysteriously landed in my lap.
It was like following a little trail of breadcrumbs. Each step, a small accomplishment...and people! REAL PEOPLE!
My boss' daughter (and ex fellow employee) passed away in July of what they called "system fatigue." She died a very wealthy woman...and only 2 weeks shy of her 40th birthday.
So yeah, the money sucks. But I'm alive and happy. (and I can go to work in my pajamas

@ eesakiwi - nailed it!