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  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Given the market, why are the newest scrappers even bothering?

    I am in no way knocking this profession. I just want to gauge why, given the market and current prices, why are the newest scrappers even beginning to scrap?

    Eight years ago when I started scrapping I made a full weeks wages on a Sunday. Now, it seems to take two weeks to make the same amount of money. If I were just starting out now, no way would I pick this job to make a living.

    My honest question, as a scrapper and scrap yard employee who hears the laments day in and day out is ...why? How are you making money by starting out now? Or, I should ask, how are you making enough?
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  3. #2
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    When I first started scrapping metal, Copper was $4 a Kg. Anything more than $4 was great. That $4 line took years to cross and it had never been seen before, ever.
    So when it hit $5 a Kg, wow! 5 Bucks a KG! I gotta get some Kgs as I only need 4 of them to get $20. You can buy a lot (or a little, depends on what yah buying.... ;-} for $20
    I was scrapping fridges for Ali and Copper, Microwaves for Copper - there was no Ali in transformers back then, or Invertors. CRT TV.s were not being scrapped.
    I wish I knew about the Copper in the fridge compressors though. That would have made a big difference. But I was getting Copper and Brass lined old fridge/freezers too.

    So, $5 was great, then $6 was greater, $7 was fantastic $8 was twice what I started on, and $9... Yes NINE DOLLARS! Was like a dream but it was real....

    And then the Chinese Olympic games started and BOOM, The metal market crashed.

    Walking in with $900 of Copper and wondering why people were walking out looking like someone had just shot their favorite pet....

    And then finding I was only getting $400 and I should be happy as it could be worse and Christmas is not going to be what I thought it was going to be....

    So, fast forward 10 odd years and Im getting $6+ a Kg and that won't buy a gallon of gas, but its better than the $5+ a Kg I was getting last year December.
    2Kgs of Copper will get me a Chinese meal.

    So, to answer the OP's question. They never had it better, they never knew $8 a Kg Copper, they have just found out that someone will give then real paper money for some metal that someone else just threw out.

    That the 'markets hard' but that means theres less other people out there.

    That 'Steels not worth it', but if you get enough Heavy Metal you will get paid good for it and sheet metals not worth anything, but they will take it so you don't have to pay to get rid of it and they give you some gas dollars to help you on your next circuit around the metal spots that they have figured out for themselves.

    And they know that any other metal out there is worth more than $1 a Kg...

    My answer?
    Watch this video
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 10-11-2015 at 04:19 AM.

  4. #3
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    When I first started scrapping metal, Copper was $4 a Kg. Anything more than $4 was great. That $4 line took years to cross and it had never been seen before, ever.
    So when it hit $5 a Kg, wow! 5 Bucks a KG! I gotta get some Kgs as I only need 4 of them to get $20. You can buy a lot (or a little, depends on what yah buying.... ;-} for $20
    I was scrapping fridges for Ali and Copper, Microwaves for Copper - there was no Ali in transformers back then, or Invertors. CRT TV.s were not being scrapped.
    I wish I knew about the Copper in the fridge compressors though. That would have made a big difference. But I was getting Copper and Brass lined old fridge/freezers too.

    So, $5 was great, then $6 was greater, $7 was fantastic $8 was twice what I started on, and $9... Yes NINE DOLLARS! Was like a dream but it was real....

    And then the Chinese Olympic games started and BOOM, The metal market crashed.

    Walking in with $900 of Copper and wondering why people were walking out looking like someone had just shot their favorite pet....

    And then finding I was only getting $400 and I should be happy as it could be worse and Christmas is not going to be what I thought it was going to be....

    So, fast forward 10 odd years and Im getting $6+ a Kg and that won't buy a gallon of gas, but its better than the $5+ a Kg I was getting last year December.
    2Kgs of Copper will get me a Chinese meal.

    So, to answer the OP's question. They never had it better, they never knew $8 a Kg Copper, they have just found out that someone will give then real paper money for some metal that someone else just threw out.

    That the 'markets hard' but that means theres less other people out there.

    That 'Steels not worth it', but if you get enough Heavy Metal you will get paid good for it and sheet metals not worth anything, but they will take it so you don't have to pay to get rid of it and they give you some gas dollars to help you on your next circuit around the metal spots that they have figured out for themselves.

    And they know that any other metal out there is worth more than $1 a Kg...

    My answer?
    Watch this video
    Thanks eesakiwi. I like the video.

    @ NA
    I think it's because they have been watching to many old youtube videos when the prices were still good.
    Last edited by jimicrk; 10-11-2015 at 05:01 AM.

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  6. #4
    newattitude started this thread.
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    eesakiwi, thank you for a great description of possible thought process. I hadn't thought about the ''not knowing how good it used to be.''

    I know something is better than nothing and being lucky enough to have a job as well as scrapping, I guess I'm wondering if it's enough. Is what the newbies make now helpful enough in todays market? I couldn't survive now like I did when I started out on scrapping alone.

    Are the newest having to learn how to fix and flip to make some of the money? Something they either never did or thought about before? Do they like to do this and are they having fun doing it?

    I guess todays market has impacted us all in that sense, we have to learn new ''job skills'' so to speak. And, its cheaper than going to college for the education as its a hands on learning/self taught profession.

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  8. #5
    komercia's Avatar
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    Hi guys, i have been scrapping with my family business since 12 year ago, but here in Peru, new recyclers often use this "career" as the last chance to survive. I think, with these market prices, only strong enough will survive.

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  10. #6
    justdon's Avatar
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    From what I see now if this was my job I couldn't survive.Iam retired its extra money I have only been doing this for 4 month's now.So I don't know what the good old days were like.I just go out get stuff break it down and go in to sell it when I have a few good loads.As long as I recover my gas money and end up with a few extra bucks iam ok.I like to read and learn from you experienced guys.

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  12. #7
    scrapbabe97's Avatar
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    Its harder and harder to even find a job. I'm 18 years old and I have applied to jobs to baby sitting from working to Walmart and even a little gas station. They did not even get back to me about anything. In Maine its that way any way I tried everything and nothing around here. I only got a message from a scrap yard a few months ago and took the job because it was only job that was willing to hire me. I even had a teacher help me with my applications and everything to help me to have a higher chance to be hired that didn't even help at all. I even still today look for a job and got lucky just a week ago and I have been looking for over two years. Even though there is not much money with scraping but there is some kind of income to pay the bills and some food here and there.. barely getting by is better than not getting by at all.

  13. #8
    NatureRecycleFlorida's Avatar
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    these down market prices will hopefully weed out the meth heads /crooks

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  15. #9
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I feel the newest scrappers are getting in as there is so much stuff around. Looks like easy money. When sheet iron was $.115 every one was out, nothing lasted 10 min at the curb. Now stuff sits awhile longer. Thing I wonder is how many do one load and then done...

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  17. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by NatureRecycleFlorida View Post
    these down market prices will hopefully weed out the meth heads /crooks
    I am sure they will just take something else to make a quick buck, as most scrap metals are out as far as quick cash!

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  19. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by komercia View Post
    Hi guys, i have been scrapping with my family business since 12 year ago, but here in Peru, new recyclers often use this "career" as the last chance to survive. I think, with these market prices, only strong enough will survive.
    Welcome aboard, friend. Go to Introductions and tell us a bit about yourself. Peru is on my bucket list - would love to hear insight on your country & your market.

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  21. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapbabe97 View Post
    Its harder and harder to even find a job. I'm 18 years old and I have applied to jobs to baby sitting from working to Walmart and even a little gas station. They did not even get back to me about anything. In Maine its that way any way I tried everything and nothing around here. I only got a message from a scrap yard a few months ago and took the job because it was only job that was willing to hire me. I even had a teacher help me with my applications and everything to help me to have a higher chance to be hired that didn't even help at all. I even still today look for a job and got lucky just a week ago and I have been looking for over two years. Even though there is not much money with scraping but there is some kind of income to pay the bills and some food here and there.. barely getting by is better than not getting by at all.
    Your last sentence says a lot. Hang in there and keep on "keepin' on" (as cliche as I know that is....) ... anything less is giving up.

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  23. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    I am in no way knocking this profession. I just want to gauge why, given the market and current prices, why are the newest scrappers even beginning to scrap?
    You can tell people the stove is hot, but some want to find out for themselves.

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  25. #14
    ScrapperTrecycling's Avatar
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    My answer would be no, I can't make it on scrapping. But the $$ isn't why I started so I may be an odd ball here. SHOCKER!

    If I knew then what I know now, would I start scrapping in this crashed market? Yes, I would.
    It's been such a weird and wonderful journey - so far away from the rat race that I used to live and breath.
    Out there, all I had was money. My boss showered me in bonuses for being a good soldier. "Ole faithful" as she liked to call me.
    When my legs were kicked out from underneath me, the physical pain was nothing compared to the mental anguish of feeling worthless.
    I might have sat in that wheelchair, marinating in my own pity party, had scrapping not mysteriously landed in my lap.
    It was like following a little trail of breadcrumbs. Each step, a small accomplishment...and people! REAL PEOPLE!

    My boss' daughter (and ex fellow employee) passed away in July of what they called "system fatigue." She died a very wealthy woman...and only 2 weeks shy of her 40th birthday.

    So yeah, the money sucks. But I'm alive and happy. (and I can go to work in my pajamas )
    @ eesakiwi - nailed it!

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  27. #15
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    You can tell people the stove is hot, but some want to find out for themselves.
    ...same with the "wet paint" sign

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  29. #16
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    I've worked with one of the posters in this thread. The answer for some is "More than Scrap Value" items. I've been receiving material from more people than before the market crashed, so I tend to draw the conclusion that many people are looking to more than scrap as an avenue to offset losses. When RAM was $18-20 per pound, it wasn't worth the effort to a lot to sort. Today, with $12 per pound RAM, selling sticks for more than scrap can make a pretty large difference.

    If you're just calling everything shred, and going straight to the yard, it won't pan out with these prices- especially if they fall farther.
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  31. #17
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    Well for me.. I'm addicted to school buses.. Can't stop buying em. Just like coke.. Big yellow bags of high grade columbian bam bam. (If your blow is yellow please talk to your dealer) I'm bidding far less than I used to.. and the scrap is secondary. Engine is the money maker. I'll keep stacking them out back till my wife says otherwise. I could be a millionaire and still want to cut stuff up. It's fun and therapeutic.

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  33. #18
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Quote Originally Posted by IamPhil View Post
    the scrap is secondary. Engine is the money maker
    More than scrap value is always a winning combination. Out here, a Cat 3208 or a Cummins 5.9 would be an easy sell.

    There is a vehicle scrapper in the area that uses old buses to haul scrap in. He pulls the stuff he wants (Mostly engine/trans), loads the rolling chassis with shred, and tows them to the yard. At the yard, he sometimes pulls the tires and sells them to farmers for their beet trucks.

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  35. #19
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    I'm fairly new to scrapping. I began roughly two years ago focusing almost exclusively on E-waste. For me it is both an interesting hobby, as well as a means of making some money on the side. I work in IT so getting access to junk computers and electronics was easy, and my department was more than happy to have me clear out their ever lessening storage space. I imagine most members on this forum have other income streams besides scrapping, but that's just my guess. Cheers!

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  37. #20
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    I've really cut back on scraping and am concentrating on re-selling. I have a good stockpile of computers on hand and am working through them now.

    I keep the non-ferrous metals for some day and the shred is slowly piling up. Recently I asked my grown son to haul off my shred and I even included $10 along with what what ever it paid , its still there. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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