best and easiest to pull it apart...unless it is a high end server grade can sometimes sell those locally (shipping would EAT YOUR LUNCH for someone buying it as many weigh 100+ pounds). They just are not very expensive all in all and the battery replacement is the majority of the cost of a new unit with a warranty.
Here is what you will find in or more lead acid batteries, 1-3 brown boards, small wire and a couple larger stripable stranded wire (ie large enough to warrant the time to strip), heavy duty power cable (generally a higher grade at any year due to recovery) and several strips of brass. Sometimes you have a resetable switch that may have a silver contact or 2 in it.
Rest will be ABS plastic to be recycled.
I break them down when I have extra time after pulling the batteries. There just isn't a ton of value for the time outside the I would pull apart a tower ANY day, before doing one of these. I would make more. I just do them, because I take ALL
ewaste items from my clients....I do not cherry pick. This makes me much more popular with clients (because I will take their CRT's, printers of all kinds, even the plastic parts.