I really think it depends on your situation and the reason you want to get rid of it.
If you want it to go to someone that will benefit from the car and the money is not an issue:
1. Find someone I personally could give it to.
2. Sell it and donate the money to a charity.
If you wanted to financially improve your situation, I would NEVER donate a car. Its always better to sell the car (if running) on CL for a few hundred. Scrap is just too low for a running car. There is always someone that will pay 500.00 for a running car. I bet I could sell the car in 1 weekend.
Take a look at the tax chart below:
If you make 50,000.00 a year and donate the car, get a 1000.00 credit (and are single), it will only lower your tax by 250.00. If you got a 2000.00 credit for the car it only lowers your taxes by 500.00. I could find something much more worthwhile to do with it.