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Scrapped some jacuzzis

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    murt started this thread.
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    Scrapped some jacuzzis

    Was just heading home from school and drove around the back side of the shopping complex to check the dumpsters, there were two old Jacuzzis stacked by a dumpster.
    All the fittings were stainless steel, and I have yet to take apart the plastic cases which hold the bubblers.
    Not something you expect to find everyday!
    Got an old Cat, some steel, and a TV out of the woods this morning too.

  2. #2
    murt started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    So I got around to taking the bubblers apart today. They are super cool, inside the plastic cases were aluminum cases I unscrewed apart, inside each are two large electromagnets with copper windings. Unlike transformer windings, these things cores are shaped like the letter "E", all the copper can simply be pulled out easy.
    Between the electromagnets is a kayak-paddle type thing with permanent magnets, which pokes out on each end from rubber seals to gyrate and I suppose get the jet effect going on the Jacuzzi. It was neat seeing how these things work.
    Getting 1000 lbs of excavated sewer/stormwater pipe tomorrow. Life is good.

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  4. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Nov 2010
    Thanked 69 Times in 36 Posts
    Very cool. Thanks for the update!

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