It is a good start, especially for free. 35 laptops are a good 150 lbs, depending on your buyer that could be about $150 just in scrap value right there. But before you scrap anything do a bit of research to see if there are greater than scrap value items in the lot. Sometimes one single item could be worth as much as the rest of the entire lot.
As you put the word out there, and make more contacts, you will get more frequent pick ups.
I just got a similar lot to yours a few days ago, about 80-100 laptops, plus some desktops also. Spent yesterday afternoon going thru it all. For better than scrap items found about 6 decent laptops, 1 good desktop, 15 or so SATA laptop hard drives, and about 20 sticks of laptop RAM. These items will easily double to triple my profits compared to just scrapping everything.