Theres quite a bit of info on the net about turning plastic into fuel.
Theres actually websites devoted to it, like 'Energic forum' 142+ pages of discussion and actual expriments and experiences.
How to turn plastic waste into diesel fuel cheaply - Page 143 - Energetic Forum
I have tried it on a small experimental scale. It works.
My condensor was too small and didn't work well (hell it was just a steel tube 4 foot long...nothing fancy)
And as I was using plastic coated wire as a source of plastic, its got sulphur and other stuff in it and it gave off a sickly smelling sulphur smell.
Hydrogen sulphide?
Well thats what it smelt like, at the start, and then it went away a bit, and when I went for a short distance walk and came back, the smell was worse, which to me indicates Hydrogen sulphide.
Now I have found out I can neutralise it by bubbling the exiting gas into water with baking soda in it.
Thats a easy solution (sic) to a overpowering (sic2) problem.
But yeah, you can get 2Lbs of fuel from a Kg of plastic.... ;- { >
And, depending on the plastic you put in it, you get clean petrol fuel from it. Or a waxy Diesol, which can be reconverted @ 50% per run into petrol/diesol.
This is my NewYears experimental goal. Petrol costs NZ$1.95 a litre here. I think thats US$5.25 a gallon.
They, on the website, has worked out the fuel costs about US$0.40cents a gallon.. It makes 10 gallons a day in a simple setup.
Its a shame that we (everyone) does not convert this plastic to fuel, its a win-win-win situation. Well one day I think we will.
We should be hoarding Plastic and Steel for the future.