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Alu-Minimum? - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    HT1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Do you think at places that pay by check, or by mail (postage) would already incorporate these factors in with there pricing? I would think all costs, labor, fuel, power and even office supplies would be factored in... I do agree that it would make no sense in writing a check that costs you $4 for $4 or less of stuff.
    even if the factors are already "incorporated in" it is really hard to simply "give money away"

    right now yards are loosing money!!! no way around it, and they are looking for anyway to tread water til the prices climb back up.

    on a related note the truck scale minimum is often a Department of Agriculture (DOA) issue with the certification of the scale. meaning the certification for commerce can only go down to say .1% of the scales maximum, on truck scales that is often 200-300 Lbs

    V/r HT1

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  3. #22
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    never heard of scrapyards doing it this way. what mine does if it is under $10 they either give you cash or write you down in the system until you get over $10 or they have more cash. this is only because the check costs them I believe it was .55 to print. and btw this is a new thing idk if they are actually going with the second option

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  5. #23
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Well, my 2 cents. Today, I'm the only worker in the whole place. I'm cutting extrusion hour after hour. someone walks in with 1 lb of AL cans for which they get paid .35 cents. it cost more than .35 cents for me to shut the shear down, walk to the scale and write them up for 1 lb of cans, walk back to the shear and start it back up again. I understand they want to recycle them but sometimes it does get irritating.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  6. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Well, my 2 cents. Today, I'm the only worker in the whole place.
    I was happy when you got the job, I was happy when you got promoted, and I am very happy you are still employed. Merry Christmas, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  8. #25
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    If you look at 10 lb. Minimum that may still not be enough to justify a situation like Newattitude posted about...

    Avg prices by me for this year for 10 pounds of stuff.

    Alum Cans 10 lbs. $8.50
    Extruded Alum 10 lbs. $6.20
    Cast Alum 10 lbs. $5.00
    Painted Alum 10 lbs. $4.40
    MLC Alum 10 lbs. $4.40
    Alum Transmissions $2.70
    Dirty Alum 10 lbs. $2.60
    Yellow Brass 10 lbs. $15.70
    Dirty Brass 10 lbs. $7.10
    Lead 10 lbs. $5.50
    Stainless Steel 10 lbs. $4.70
    Die Cast Zinc 10 lbs. $3.00
    Auto Batts 10 lbs. $3.00
    Dirty Stainless 10 lbs. $1.70
    #2 Copper 10 lbs. $22.10
    #1 ins wire 10 lbs. $15.30
    Cu/Alum Raid 10 lbs. $11.60
    #2 ins wire 10 lbs. $7.40
    Compressor 10 lbs. $1.80
    Copper Content 10 lbs. $1.50
    Electric Motors 10 lbs. $1.40
    Brown Circuit Bds 10 lbs. $2.20
    Green Circuit Bds 10 lbs. $2.40

    100 lbs Sheet iron $2.76
    100 lbs Clean Sheet iron $3.44
    100 lbs torch p&s $3.50
    100 lbs prepared $4.59

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  10. #26
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I've also heard from customers that some of the yards are not even buying scrap from the public any more. I knew of one before we closed the other yard down but now this is the second I've heard of. They deal strictly with businesses only now.

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  12. #27
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    I've also heard from customers that some of the yards are not even buying scrap from the public any more. I knew of one before we closed the other yard down but now this is the second I've heard of. They deal strictly with businesses only now.
    I was thinking of this just before and wondered when In could add it to a post.

    A few years ago one of the guys at the scrapyard hinted to me that I "should get ascrapmetal dealers license, or even a 'secondhand dealers license".
    He said that I "would get a better price for my metal".

    I checked the cost of doing this and decided it was not worth the hassle. The better prices would cover the license and that's about it.

    In hindsight I find out that as I would be licensed, its not a typical 'over the counter (scale) deal'. They are buying from a licensed and vetted customer.
    The law says that the buyer has to hold onto the metal (nonferrous) for a whole month before selling it on so that the Police can check the metal if they want, for stolen metal. Evidence.

    I now relise that if I'm licensed, they can sell it straight on to their buyer, that means that they don't have that money sitting there as a solid metal, doing nothing, and co$ting them interest, for a whole month.
    If they want they can hold onto it for better prices, or they can sell it within seconds for a immediate profit, plus their ca$h back.

    It would also mean that I can buy metal off others in smaller amounts at my set prices and sell it on to the scrapyard, in bulk, for a profit.

    Depending, it could be worth doing. If you make sales of over a thousand dollars, then it probably would be worth it.

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