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I've also heard from customers that some of the yards are not even buying scrap from the public any more. I knew of one before we closed the other yard down but now this is the second I've heard of. They deal strictly with businesses only now.
I was thinking of this just before and wondered when In could add it to a post.
A few years ago one of the guys at the scrapyard hinted to me that I "should get ascrapmetal dealers license, or even a 'secondhand dealers license".
He said that I "would get a better price for my metal".
I checked the cost of doing this and decided it was not worth the hassle. The better prices would cover the license and that's about it.
In hindsight I find out that as I would be licensed, its not a typical 'over the counter (scale) deal'. They are buying from a licensed and vetted customer.
The law says that the buyer has to hold onto the metal (nonferrous) for a whole month before selling it on so that the Police can check the metal if they want, for stolen metal. Evidence.
I now relise that if I'm licensed, they can sell it straight on to their buyer, that means that they don't have that money sitting there as a solid metal, doing nothing, and co$ting them interest, for a whole month.
If they want they can hold onto it for better prices, or they can sell it within seconds for a immediate profit, plus their ca$h back.
It would also mean that I can buy metal off others in smaller amounts at my set prices and sell it on to the scrapyard, in bulk, for a profit.
Depending, it could be worth doing. If you make sales of over a thousand dollars, then it probably would be worth it.