Thanks for the congrats and support guys. Like I said, I have always wanted my own business, but never knew how I wanted to go about it. I'm nowhere near ready to drop my 9 to 5 and go full time yet. But hopefully one day, and hopefully sooner rather than later. Lol. I started scrapping about 5 or 6 years ago. My job at the time (I was in printing) was having trouble and rumor was they might go out of business. I had just bought my truck. A 2010 silverado. Brand new. So I started putting her to work. Sure enough, my shop closed their doors just 3 months after buying the truck. Luckily I was only out of work for about 2 or 3 weeks. I found another print shop that hired me. The first shop paid me 12/hour. The second hired me on at 16. I was living like a king with that raise. (It helped I was still living at home lol) so my now wife, then gf, decided to get an apartment together. We moved out and all was good. Until about 3 months later. I got laid off again. Go figure. This time I was out of work for 6 months. Partially due to not exactly beating down doors to find a new job. I had been on nights working 10-12 hour shifts for the majority of my time in printing. So I used the layoff as an excuse to take a break. I filed for unemployment and got some of that hard earned tax money back. Unfortunately, with a new truck payment and rent, it didn't leave much after all my other bills were paid. 2 weeks went to rent, 1 to the truck, and half of the 4th week went to cell phone and ins. That left me with about 150 bucks for the month for gas, smokes, beer, and food. So basically I had money to sit at home and twiddle my fingers, if that. The scrap money gave me some extra cushion and the ability to go out and enjoy myself. I finally found work again at my current job as a cnc machinist. But I started back down at 10/hr since I was new to the field. I continued to scrap here and there. I wouldn't go search, but if I saw something and had a moment to grab it, I would. And friends and family called me to pick stuff now and again. Now that I've been there 4 years, I've had some decent raises and make a good living for the fam. But the new and shiny draw to the job has worn off. More and more every day. It's no longer something I wanna do for the rest of my life. Scrapping on the other hand, has never gotten old, is still fun, and when done right, can provide a decent living. Which is proven by many a member of this forum. So after all these years, everything is kind of falling into place for me. And now it's time to take it to the next level. Well see how it goes from here.
That's my basic life story in a nutshell. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Looking back it's a bit long winded. But for anyone in my shoes from 5 years ago, hopefully it inspires them to take a similar path and chase their dreams. And as always, thanks to all of you for what you've taught me here. It's a big part of why I have to confidence to take this huge leap right now. So new guys, read, read, read. This forum is priceless if you share the same dream.