Fixing flat screen TV's and such.
If the screen is intact, its a good TV and only needs some time invested in it, and some capacitors....
A lot of capacitors have a bad fluid in them that makes the little can they are in expand and leak liquid.
Then they stop working, and so does the Flat screen or laptop or such.
They look like this
This is about what happens.
Now most of the time its a straight swap of the capacitors, maybe the board, which can be gained from a flat screen with a broken screen of the same model.
Other times its a bit more work, and sometimes virtually no work at all because the problem was physical, not electrical.
A dull line across the screen may be just a broken florescent tube.. Get one of the same model with a broken screen..... Free. Sell Flat screen for $$.
There's a website called ''.
Absolutely tons of info and its just a quick search of the model number and they can tell you what the problem is 95% of the time, and how to recognise it and how to fix it, and future problems, and a source of Good Capactors to replace the bad ones. Forums
So far I have fixed 5 flat screens, and that's without even touching the capacitors....
Ones got a bad screen connection, '' told me that, its a problem specific to this model.
You fix it with a strip of door seal foam! = Free 55inch Flatscreen!!
Two had a messed up colour settings.. Figured out the menu and turned the individual colour back on. It works!
Two actually had nothing wrong with them anyway.. I just plugged it in and it went. No work involved at all....
I have another with a bad broken off/on switch to fix. Yeah that's all......
And another, combination of wrong colour setting caused by last owner trying to find answer to why the screens colours gone bad, the answer was a bad screen connection. Fix connection, then reset colour.
One more, broken mylar strip to the menu switches. The only thing stopping me from fixing it is that there's too many working Flatscreen TV's in the way...
To me, each working Flat screen is worth NZ$100.
X5 = NZ$500.
Basicly, if the screens intact, its a Hundred dollar note.
Oh, and I, as a sober driver in the right place at the right time. Got paid $110 for taking some very nice, very drunk, two sets of couples safely home at 2-3am.
One was a little way out of town, would normally cost $70-$80. Done for $50
The second I took thru McDonalds drive thru, took ages but that's not something you can do in a taxi. =$60 for two drop offs in different places.
Of course YMMV. Be carefull, and clean. Its safe to do here. Don't take 'advantage' of drunks.
And don't endanger yourself either.
And don't take jobs from Taxis.
(why do taxi phone numbers always have sevens in them? 555-777777?)