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Scrapped My First Projector TV - Page 2

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  1. #21
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    I've done a couple of these and would do more but they're a lot harder to hide on my side of the garage from the wifey before I break them down (I need to find them only on the weekends she works!!). There was a big difference in scrap value between the 2 that I did. I think the first one was a Mitsubishi and the other some other Asian named thing. I think the Mitsu.... had cast Al frames that held the 3 lenses whereas the off-brand was just steel. There was a huge Al heat sink in one but not the other and some other differences. I found the pressed fake wood cabinet easier to bust up and throw away, the big plastic pieces harder to smash and bag for the trash guy.

    I think eesakiwi is correct, I don't think there is a death-ray sun burning true Fresnel lens in most of these, only the little lens over the color gun mini CRTs. Again, there was a big difference in what I got for these on ebay--both were 3M made lens. I think the Mitsubishi had "Delta 88"s and I sold these as a set for about $12 on ebay but the other one had "Delta 77"s (or vice versa) and they only went for about a little over a buck a piece (sold as a lot) on ebay. Maybe it was just who was looking that week. Sounds like travis....2020 may a specialized market corner there in central university town Iowa and makes more off of these than what I found. I still have one of the mirrors in my utility room. Tried selling it at a rummage but no takers.

    A couple pixs of the cleaned up lens

  2. #22
    MrSteve started this thread.
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    I am curious to know WHY would people want to buy these?..I did manage to save 3 of those like in this picture.

  3. #23
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    I don't know, because they're a precision made lens?? You can probably still light fires with them like a general magnifying glass, I just don't think they're a super fry lens although I never played with one in the sunlight...Other uses??

  4. #24
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    They can be used in a project to make a projection TV, using a small 14inch CRT.
    I think they also need the large mirror too or then image is backwards, its a DIY project.

    I find most people have a weird attraction to lenses and magnets. As soon as they see some they want to pick them up and play with them.
    My fridge is a good example, its covered in magnets of all sorts.
    That's the first thing some go to when they see them, and start playing with the ball bearings or screws stuck in a pile on some. Forming them into different shaped lumps by hand.
    Seeing how far away they can get them while still under attraction and invisably moving others.

    Picking up a football sized lump of hard drive magnets.... Ah, the 'unknown'....

    Swearing when they get their finger caught.

  5. #25
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by travistemple202020 View Post
    I do charge $50 to pick them up from people now but if its just sitting at the curb I will gut it out since you don't have to break stuff or if you do its easy to pile it inside. as for a newb its good to learn that it does have value and lots of trash to be rid of as well. the metals have minimal value as well as the boards but its worth it for the mirror and lenses. I have tapped out the astronomy market here selling them all the mirrors they will need for years to come lol but if you get some simple decorative trim or find it like I do at curbco.
    I use two of them with some trim and backing for strength and for a hanger on the back and put them together opposite sites to make a hexagon mirror and when I have time to kill I will use ready mad etching kits and do it all up jazzy style lol I sell them from $200-500 and they sell fast just not able to do very many since these tvs are almost gone around here.
    as for lenses they sell here for about $3set the Fresnel lenses sell quite well for outdoors cooking and so forth projects but it depends on how good of lense it is can go from 10-$30 here
    travis, how are they used for cooking? to start fires? lol, that has to be it, can't picture cooking a hotdog with one lol.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  6. #26
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    The pics posted by DakotaRog are similar to a magnifying glass you might buy at the store. They are great for removing splinters and burning ants, if you're into that.

    If you want to know what a fresnel lens is, google it or better yet look it up on youtube.

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  8. #27
    Raedwyn2014's Avatar
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    Just my two cents, but I am very careful when I disassemble a Rear Projection TV...there are quite a LOT of parts to these puppies, and a few other "valuables".
    Here's a list of what I save:
    1.) I pull all the boards, carefully, and save them along with connection cables..I put them in a large shoe box, with the Name, Model, and Serial number on short side of box. I lable what boards are inside, type and part numbers.
    2.) I pull the complete lamp assemblies, with board on CRT tube comple, along with connection wires. These I box up right away, as if they were shipping tomorrow.
    3.) Speakers get pulled, labeled, and go to speaker box.
    4.) Two parts to look for - Hi Voltage Splitter Assembly, Resistor, High Voltage, and High Voltage Divider. These items sell for me quite often, for between $35.00 and $75.00!
    5.) Projection Television Control Panel Button Assembly - these seem to break or wear out, and sell pretty well also.
    6.) Rear Projection Mirror assembly.
    7.) Fresnel lens, along with plexi Screen.
    8.) Casters on bottom of cabinet - if it has any, pull them - they are usually high quality.
    9.) The Remote! They usually sell for @ $15.00 to $20.00, and are always in demand.


    Lastly, depending on cabinet type, I make all kinds of stuff; The big wooden cabinets, after being gutted, have been made into a.) a rolling workshelf - just add some shelves, put a smooth plywood top over wood grain particle board for workspace! b.) after wood cabinet has been gutted, put a thin sheet of luan, or heavy cardboard, to cover back opening. I tack some felt along the inside walls, and a nice basket and fitted cushion on the bottom (I have a buddies wife who can make a custom cushion), and "viola", a custom high grade inside dog house for your favorite pooch. I sold one of these for $125 bucks one time, and gave the workbench to my mechanic for letting me use his shop.

    With the prices of scrap living below the turds in the crapper, reslling parts, and repurposing stuff is the way to go...I sold a complete lamp assembly (3 lamps w/boards on end) for $325, and shipped it to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan...shipping alone was $175, paid by customer!

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  10. #28
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    WoW, who knew!!?? I think you could make your own little video showing all this and sell them on a web site. I'd buy one and I bet other folks would as well. Thanks for all the cool thoughts!!

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