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Scrapped My First Projector TV

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    MrSteve started this thread.
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    Scrapped My First Projector TV

    Yelp I finally got a hold of one of those monsters.I was hanging a TV for a customer and while I was there I noticed the TV that I was going to hang was sitting pretty on top of a Pioneer Projector Tv.I asked her what she was going to do with it and she told me that she was going to throw it away so of course I asked her if I could have it and she said YES.I rolled that beast out to my truck and somehow managed to wrestle that terd in the back of my Ford Ranger and hauled it home.Just like catching a fish I wasted no time scrapping it down and to be honest,I was not real impressed with the meat that you get out of that thing.I got the boards,some lens,wire and I saved the protector screen for some reason and I always keep the screws from all my projects cause I think one day all them screws are gonna add up.I thought I would post a newbie post..

  2. #2
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    Next time I suggest you charge to remove one. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    matador's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Mike- we used to own one of those. They're a nightmare to deal with!

    Oh, well, you could have done a lot worse!

    matador: "Living and Learning"
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    You were there anyway and for free why not take it and figure it out!

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    For the amount of time spent, it wouldn't have panned out for me. Spending an hour to make $3 isn't a good investment for me.


  9. #6
    bcrepurposing's Avatar
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    Scrapped My First Projector TV

    once you break a few down they do pan out as worth while especially compared to regular tvs. less trash compared to regular tvs and cheaper to get rid of left over trash.

    I will take them over tube tvs anyday
    "Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle..." - BC Repurposing Motto

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  11. #7
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Just gotta scrap them a little quicker
    last one I did was 15 min with a sledge, crowbar and pair of cutters. I wasn't learning or trying to save the lenses though.
    gotta love cheap manufacturing especially anything made with particle board.
    NH- SMASH!
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  13. #8
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    Previously said I pass them, but I like them more now. The height makes them easier to tilt and push instead of lifting them straight off the ground.

  14. #9
    matador's Avatar
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    Well, I'd take a lot of things over tube TVs

    The problem with them is the sheer bulk- hauling them takes up so much truck space out here that it's just not very economical.

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  16. #10
    Huludfan82's Avatar
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    I've only done a couple of these so far. Not a big fan of my return on them, but I take em.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Like most things...small amounts add up. If your looking at it from a per TV level, of course it doesn't come out to much. Now if your breaking them down a healthy supply, and breaking them down as rapidly as you can it can help your bottom line. I wouldn't do it as my only source, an I'd charge for big ass ones. Tube, Projection, whatever..if it's freaking heavy your getting a fee.

    I've said it before but for those who projections, keep an eye out for DPL chips. Google it or search for it here. There are a bunch of places I've mentioned it. Ha ha!

    My words of parting wisdom to any tv folks...

    Projection are easy. Tubes suck. Small Things add up. Cabinet TV's(the ones in wood)..are the devils love child an evil. Grrr. Charge for those. Every. Single. Freaking. Time.

    Good luck!

    Sirscrapalot - TV scrapping is not for everyone. - Me an a whole lot of others.

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  19. #12
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    If you ever have to pick up a CRT TV, the worst ones are Panasonic's as they have thin speaker cable as a degaussing cable... No weight at all and the rest is rubbish so you have to pay to get rid of it in the end.

    Anything with 'Trinatron' or some such 'Superflatscreen CRT' description on them is good for a thick degaussing cable.
    Google 'trinatron' to find out why, its to do with the screen mesh inside the CRT.

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  21. #13
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    I passed a few Trinitrons because they were too heavy to lift and I couldn't tear down on site. I knew what I was passing, so maybe that was someone else's treasure with a team, winch, hydraulics, etc.

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  23. #14
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    I scraped one about 3 years ago and it was the last one I ever brought home. It was interesting to see what was inside but I think I'll stick to computers and phone systems.

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  25. #15
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    I wrestled a 42" (yes, that's the SCREEN size) Sony Trinitron into the back of my van by myself last winter, in a snow storm no less (and yes, it was uphill both ways, lol). That sucker weighed just shy of 300 lbs AFTER I stripped all the goodies out. I have a lot less to complain about though, as I sell my CRTs as ewaste. I have 5 of them piled in my van right now with some other stereo and printer items.

    If only I could take all those CRTs off your American hands, I would in a flash.

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  27. #16
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    I do charge $50 to pick them up from people now but if its just sitting at the curb I will gut it out since you don't have to break stuff or if you do its easy to pile it inside. as for a newb its good to learn that it does have value and lots of trash to be rid of as well. the metals have minimal value as well as the boards but its worth it for the mirror and lenses. I have tapped out the astronomy market here selling them all the mirrors they will need for years to come lol but if you get some simple decorative trim or find it like I do at curbco.
    I use two of them with some trim and backing for strength and for a hanger on the back and put them together opposite sites to make a hexagon mirror and when I have time to kill I will use ready mad etching kits and do it all up jazzy style lol I sell them from $200-500 and they sell fast just not able to do very many since these tvs are almost gone around here.
    as for lenses they sell here for about $3set the Fresnel lenses sell quite well for outdoors cooking and so forth projects but it depends on how good of lense it is can go from 10-$30 here

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  29. #17
    newattitude's Avatar
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    OP, didn't you get the AL from around the tubes? I love projection tv's. I can burn the wood so all I have left is the plastic screen to get rid of and the tubes. some have a plastic back and glass but I break the glass into a cat litter pail and when its full I throw it away. I cant pass these up if I have room in my truck.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  31. #18
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Aren't these the TVs with the Fresnel lens?

    Those can be sold or repurposed. Just be careful, they can start fires
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  32. #19
    greytruck's Avatar
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    I enjoy breaking them down. Sure the garbage man dislikes me for the big wooden bases I put out front.

  33. #20
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I have found they (large flat screen rear projection TV's with 3 CRTs inside it) have some nice Gold plated boards, some Cast Ali (inc liquid goo oil!!!) Lots of wire and a 'front Silvered mirror', I have not made use of one yet, I one day will make a 'true mirror' one day....

    The rear projection LCD, nice boards.. Wayyy too many screws around lots of resin molded plastic.
    Some nice stuff inside where the mirrors, lenses and prisms are. These have hobby escrap jewelry written all over it.
    Lots of thin plastic coated wire. Big prices of plastic.

    I don't think there's Fresnel lenses in these all all, just the white diffuser sheets and a clear lined plastic sheet that sorta does look like a Fresnel lens, but isn't.

    I got a real Fresnel lens of a friend who brought it at a garage sale. It is a 'Magnifing lens to turn a 14 inch TV into a 25 inch TV'.
    That's where I think the confusion comes from.
    That Fresnel lens is deadly....
    It can defiantly heat mince pies, it will make something smoke in a few seconds, you just have to get the focal point right and 'bam' smoke. Don't put your hand behind it.
    You need a proper safety welders Helmut to get the focal point right.
    Or if you made a proper jig to set it up in, and a secondry device to aim it at the sun all the time, you could cook food or heat water or start fires quickly.
    It pretty shocking how much energy there is in the sun and how we do not utilise it.

    I had a play around with it, and a couple of smaller ones I got at a 2$ Asian shop. They were sold for 'reversing lens' to magnifiy a rear vision mirror in a car, for parking a van etc.

    Though I have a nice little arc of burnt car seat where I left the lens off a 3CRT rear projection TV on my passenger seat one sunny day....
    It follows the suns movement and intensity over a full day..
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 01-01-2016 at 04:42 AM.

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