Hi all! Hope everyone is doing fine. Have been busy at work, thankfully lots of extra hours have been available...cuz on our
scrap metal finding excursions lately...we have been coming back with very little.

During the week my husband goes out by himself since I am at work...and week-ends I go along with usually. There is another guy we met, he has been scraping for 15 years and he is even finding less. The county started automated garbage pick up...everything has to be in the big can, so I figure that has hurt somewhat...but even when that first started there was still stuff out. Not only do we drive around night before or morning of garbage pick up...also we just go out looking, if we see like a washer or refrigerator out by garage by garbage cans...we knock on the door to see if we can take it, we also advertise on craigslist..but everyone else in the county does also...and posts get flagged and removed FAST...even in the services listings. I have also advertised on
ebay classifieds and backpage....but not have had any luck. Anyway..was just wondering if anyone else is running into this slow down?