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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #41
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    DakotaRog, Thank you for starting this thread. You have brought many members out of the woodwork given we do not have a lot to talk about given the current situation. You have also motivated other members to speak up in other threads. Congrats. Your contributions to the forum are greatly appreciated.

    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  3. #42
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    Thanks P76!!

  4. #43
    Freakbilly's Avatar
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    DakotaRog; I've thought about how most of these people are church goers, but most are of the "religious" variety, not spiritual. A lot of times they treat people in their church and close group of friends differently than the general public kind of thing. I can be abrasive at times myself, so can't really call out others splinters when I'm dealing with whole trees. A favorite saying of mine is when asked WWJD? On one occasion, it was making whips and driving animals out of the temple, scattering the collectors money and flipping tables (John 2:15), lol.

    It's confounding, but hopefully it sinks in that they were the way they were, and will ask why themselves why I didn't respond in anger and just got nicer... Normally something good always follows the bad so I almost get excited wondering what door He will open after someone I meet slams a door on my nose .

    Tried to get to the yard with a stockpile of aluminum cans and some batteries this weekend, but was on call at work and stayed too busy. Did get a call that there are two dryers waiting for me to pickup this coming weekend when I get off call (come on change in the bottom ! Also a neighbor has a worn out beater of a car that they recently parked and have replaced with another, hoping they may want it gone and if it doesn't sale, will ask if they want me to haul it off and if they will split the u-haul dolly rental cost, i will split the scrap yard pay out with them. With the battery, cat, alloy wheels, radiator and the weight of the car (ford focus), we should both make a few bucks. Can't part it out for more, there isn't many parts that are not already broke/damaged/worn out on it. Sure the wife will want the tires to up cycle into something, she has already cut up my old truck tires and made a surround for the fire pit with them...

    This thread is kinda awesome, kind of a well being check for the forum. May not have been started with that in mind, but has worked out well.

  5. #44
    JerseyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    Since my 'scrap drop off yard' closed I have just been sleeping and doing a little work around the house.
    I have found a pile of scrap that I think I can get some goodies out of, but not a lot. Maybe $100 Copper.
    Since its summer here I should be concentrating on fixing the weatherboards on my house.

    But inside it its a mess anyway, so some times being put into cleaning up all the scrap wire and such that's all thru the house.
    And getting into the scrap I put aside a long time ago to clean down, like power supply's.

    I need to get a phone card recharge so I can call a scrapyard 400miles from here, they may buy my escrap.
    Or I use the place nearby who says he "will buy it" anyway. He said that he "would buy it based on a ewasteds USA $ price, but our $ has dropped against the US $ and so has Gold, so escrap has dropped as well.
    I just want a second opinion. Since I might go there for a little holiday anyway, just to make the most of it. $100 gas each way.

    I have about 250kgs of plastic coated wire as well. If I can get a buyer (nobody here will pay good $ for it) based on Copper return I will sell it to them, or just keep adding to it.

    Also, light gauge steels not worth anything either. $0.00 a Kg.

    My chickens doing fine, along with its chick 'un ('Obama', its black and says "bar rraak" a lot... i hope yah get the joke..)

    But I do get onto SMF every day, 9pm till late late.
    eesakiwi, I've been building my own Desktops since 98 or so so I know how to sort the parts without even thinking about it. Your post just helped me think of how lazy and stupid I've been. I only live a 27 min drive from a well known scrap yard here in NJ
    I'm sorry your only prospect is so far from you for e-waste recycling. But thank You I have realized now that I need to start scraping out the parts of my PCs I've accumulated while scrapping now. Just look under their Computer scrap section. I'm gonna cash in now that they have it all listed so well finally.

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  7. #45
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    I'm glad to see this thread. I've been dormant due to the low prices, a huge job going on at work, and fixing up my first house which I purchased a few months back and its needed some serious TLC. The only scrapping I have done has been a load of Ewaste that showed up free on craigslist and then I took the old damaged central heating unit and water heater along with a few other things from my house to the yard. My choices were to may the dump to take them or scrap them myself so I got to use that logic to fit in some sorely missed scrapping .

    I live in Central Oregon and we only really have 2 yards to choose from so the drop in prices is amplified from lack of competition.

    Anyways I still sneak around reading the forum every week or so! Hopefully once I get moved into my newly fixed up house I can use the time and my new garage and workbench we built in there to start my most serious scrapping adventures yet.

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  9. #46
    badkarma506's Avatar
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    Hey all, I haven't been around for a while. My day job has basically been open season for overtime, so scrap has been on the back burner. I finally took a load of shred in to clean up my side yard. 20 a ton, I would have been better off putting it it the trash can every week. Grrrrr%rr

  10. #47
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DakotaRog View Post
    Freakbilly, sorry to hear people are down you so much for just wanting to do some metal recycling. I wonder if the people that say those things to your face even s top and think would a methhead so breaks into a house to rip out plumbing and wire stop and ask about scrapping?? Maybe they should engage their brain before speaking. I also wonder how many of the people that say the nasty stuff also attend church regularly. Next time you get such a remark, ask them if they go to church and then ask them if they know what Matthew 22: 36, 39 says?? You have great work ethic, keep on getting on. God bless!

    Scrapph- Keep on hanging in there, hopefully things will get better at work. Obviously someone recognized your talents.
    < Gentle Laughter > I'm afraid they're getting a bit more than they bargained for. I was hired for my skills in the trades. The way it's working out, the most valuable thing i can bring to the table is my experience in running a business for the past fifteen years.

    The carpentry/construction industry in this area was pretty hard hit by the recession. I always thought that if i could hold the line and muddle through things would eventually get better but if anything they got a little bit worse. I loved the lifestyle of being out on my own but after a lot of soul searching felt that it would be best to hang up my hammer and return to the workforce.

    It was a carefree existence for awhile. All i had to do was punch in at 8:00 A.M., do a good job, and punch out at 4:00 P.M.

    Not a care in the world !

    It's different when they move you up into management. The company that i'm working for has every good reason to succeed. We have a monopoly in this area and the goods that it provides are very high up on the hierarchy of need. It's stuff that people just can't do without no matter how tough the economy gets.

    The problem is that we've been losing significant market share to our competition that's quite a distance away. The company is still running in the black but if things continue on their present track it won't be for very much longer.

    It's mostly due to a number of critically bad choices that came from the management team.

    It's a painful process. What we've been working on is to make people realize that they can't continue make bad decisions and expect to survive. They need to have a change of heart and learn how to adapt to a changing world. That's no easy thing when you're dealing with people who have been doing things the same way,day after day, for the past twenty years.They're quite set in their ways.

    Lol .... when it comes right down to it i'm just a small cog in the machine and wouldn't have it any other way. About all i can do is show how to streamline things and raise the standard of excellence so that what we have to offer is on par with our competition.We've got every opportunity to succeed and recapture our lost customers. We just have to start making better choices.

    The way i see it is that it's all in their hands now. Where i was the captain of my own fate for such a long time it's a bit unnerving to have my destiny linked with theirs .... thus the sleepless nights and sometimes less than sunny disposition.


    I try to avoid discussions on religion but there are different levels of understanding within all of the world faiths. There are those like the ministers,shepherds of the flock, and high priests who seem to have transcended into pure spirituality after a lifetime of study of their chosen path.

    I was talking to a man like that a number of years ago and he recommended that one should study the history of any faith from it's origin up until the present day. He said that that there was usually a founder of some kind .... a teacher or a prophet of some kind. He also said that over time the teacher's message tends to get lost as the faith grows and evolves. What started out as one thing sometimes becomes something else.

    Another important point that he raised was that most of the ancient cultures didn't draw a line of distinction between between historical fact and historical fiction. It's not like today where we are very careful about keeping historical facts straight. Back then it was more of an oral tradition like the telephone game. With every re-telling of the story it changed a little until it finally made it's way into written form of some kind decades later.

    If somebody said that they knew the founder and could repeat a conversation word for word that they had with them thirty years ago it would be unusual. If they wrote a book about the teacher it might or might not be correct.

    Anyway .... he seemed like a wise man to me for whatever it's worth.

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  12. #48
    nutpie's Avatar
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    Thing are slow here in Maine... That is all

  13. #49
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    Oh. I finally sold a huge lot of books. It took 6 months but yay for me.

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  15. #50
    Mike1286's Avatar
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    I usually pop in 4 or 5 times a week. Usually on lunch at work or when I'm winding down in bed before I fall asleep. I haven't had too many questions that couldn't be answered with a search or browsing old threads. Which I've been doing a lot of lately. But I do appreciate reading the little bit of new stuff that's been popping up. Hopefully it'll pick back up soon.

  16. #51
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    Yeah ... it's deadsville in Maine this time of year.Nothing for scrap. After Christmas everybody is poor & nobody throws anything away.

    Ohh well .... at least there is another 8" - 12" of snow on the way tonight. Might get a little bit of overtime on the plow truck this week.

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  18. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappah View Post
    Yeah ... it's deadsville in Maine this time of year.Nothing for scrap. After Christmas everybody is poor & nobody throws anything away.

    Ohh well .... at least there is another 8" - 12" of snow on the way tonight. Might get a little bit of overtime on the plow truck this week.
    you guys are getting all the snow up there... the White Mountains are brown about the only snow left is man made at the ski mountains. I plan on tapping maples this week with the mild weather we have been having, the tube guys are already boiling
    I have plowed maybe a hand full of days this winter...that's fine for business though I bid yearly contracts.
    sit at home stoke the fire and get kinda winter
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  20. #53
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    It's kinda been the same here too. We really didn't get much of anything up until Feb 5th. The ground wasn't even frozen because it's been such a mild winter.

    <sigh> I do miss the self employed lifestyle sometimes. It was nice to have a slack spell during the winter months where you can just kick back and recharge the old batteries. Sort of like an extended vacation with a little bit of work thrown in here and there.

    It is good to be back behind the wheel again though.Driving a pickup with an 8' Fisher snow plow is a bit different from the big trucks but it's still fun. You get caught up in what you're doing and the time just seems to fly past.

    Makes for an easy 12 hour shift.
    Last edited by Scrappah; 02-12-2016 at 04:50 PM.

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  22. #54
    Freakbilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappah View Post
    I was talking to a man like that a number of years ago and he recommended that one should study the history of any faith from it's origin up until the present day.
    Very good advice! I've studied many different religions over the years, from Wicca to different variations of the Christian faith, Islam and even Anton LaVey's church of Satan to name a few. Everyone feels their faith is the only true faith, but life seems to be more enjoyable when you can understand someones true meaning and beliefs and know if they are a passionate follower or just using a faith for less than well intentions lets say. Everyone has their own truths and and should be able to discus life and it's meanings to others without ill will, or so I would like to believe.

    People like to exploit the "bad apples" of religions for example, some "country" Baptists when it comes to "big city" Catholic followers, ignoring the fringes of Baptist beliefs like the Westboro Baptist church or say the Holiness movement of the Pentecostal faith with the handling of snakes during services. A good friend in high school was a "witch", in their faith females are witches and males are warlocks. When we would leave school, I would smile and say "Have a good day, and God bless!" and she would smile and say "Blessed be Joshua!" I respected her faith for things like the belief of And Ye harm none, do what Thou will, we all have differences, but embracing common ground with people goes a long way.

    Back to the main subject though, lol. The washers and dryers turned out to be three washers and a dryer. Had a near overflowing truck bed with those and some other items, and ended up recouping my fuel cost and around $2.75 for my time... But I helped someone clear out some junk so that's fine with me. The big idea for me is finding items now to refurbish and use. Quite a few of the items in my home have came from the curb, like our vacuum and the wife's make-up vanity and mirror (she saw it and got it), even the 27 inch flat screen tv with built in dvd player and remote in our spare bedroom was rescued on trash night. Not making us money but really has saved us a good bit!

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