Originally Posted by
Freakbilly, sorry to hear people are down you so much for just wanting to do some
metal recycling. I wonder if the people that say those things to your face even s top and think would a methhead so breaks into a house to rip out plumbing and wire stop and ask about scrapping?? Maybe they should engage their brain before speaking. I also wonder how many of the people that say the nasty stuff also attend church regularly. Next time you get such a remark, ask them if they go to church and then ask them if they know what Matthew 22: 36, 39 says?? You have great work ethic, keep on getting on. God bless!
Scrapph- Keep on hanging in there, hopefully things will get better at work. Obviously someone recognized your talents.
< Gentle Laughter > I'm afraid they're getting a bit more than they bargained for. I was hired for my skills in the trades. The way it's working out, the most valuable thing i can bring to the table is my experience in running a business for the past fifteen years.
The carpentry/construction industry in this area was pretty hard hit by the recession. I always thought that if i could hold the line and muddle through things would eventually get better but if anything they got a little bit worse. I loved the lifestyle of being out on my own but after a lot of soul searching felt that it would be best to hang up my hammer and return to the workforce.
It was a carefree existence for awhile. All i had to do was punch in at 8:00 A.M., do a good job, and punch out at 4:00 P.M.
Not a care in the world !
It's different when they move you up into management. The company that i'm working for has every good reason to succeed. We have a monopoly in this area and the goods that it provides are very high up on the hierarchy of need. It's stuff that people just can't do without no matter how tough the economy gets.
The problem is that we've been losing significant market share to our competition that's quite a distance away. The company is still running in the black but if things continue on their present track it won't be for very much longer.
It's mostly due to a number of critically bad choices that came from the management team.
It's a painful process. What we've been working on is to make people realize that they can't continue make bad decisions and expect to survive. They need to have a change of heart and learn how to adapt to a changing world. That's no easy thing when you're dealing with people who have been doing things the same way,day after day, for the past twenty years.They're quite set in their ways.
Lol .... when it comes right down to it i'm just a small cog in the machine and wouldn't have it any other way. About all i can do is show how to streamline things and raise the standard of excellence so that what we have to offer is on par with our competition.We've got every opportunity to succeed and recapture our lost customers. We just have to start making better choices.
The way i see it is that it's all in their hands now. Where i was the captain of my own fate for such a long time it's a bit unnerving to have my destiny linked with theirs .... thus the sleepless nights and sometimes less than sunny disposition.
I try to avoid discussions on religion but there are different levels of understanding within all of the world faiths. There are those like the ministers,shepherds of the flock, and high priests who seem to have transcended into pure spirituality after a lifetime of study of their chosen path.
I was talking to a man like that a number of years ago and he recommended that one should study the history of any faith from it's origin up until the present day. He said that that there was usually a founder of some kind .... a teacher or a prophet of some kind. He also said that over time the teacher's message tends to get lost as the faith grows and evolves. What started out as one thing sometimes becomes something else.
Another important point that he raised was that most of the ancient cultures didn't draw a line of distinction between between historical fact and historical fiction. It's not like today where we are very careful about keeping historical facts straight. Back then it was more of an oral tradition like the telephone game. With every re-telling of the story it changed a little until it finally made it's way into written form of some kind decades later.
If somebody said that they knew the founder and could repeat a conversation word for word that they had with them thirty years ago it would be unusual. If they wrote a book about the teacher it might or might not be correct.
Anyway .... he seemed like a wise man to me for whatever it's worth.